biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Němec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 44:555-565, 2001 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1013742703929

Elicitor-Stimulated Induction of Defense Mechanisms and Defense Gene Activation in Grapevine Cell Suspension Cultures

V. Repka1
1 Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Virology, Research Institute of Viticulture and Enology, CRIVE, Bratislava, Slovakia

A cell culture system has been developed to examine a multicomponent defense response induced in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Limberger) tissues by both biotic and abiotic elicitors. H2O2 from the oxidative burst, cell death, extracellular alkalinization, and defense responses such as the accumulation of defense-related proteins and expression of corresponding genes were analyzed in grapevine suspension cultures. Cultured cells responded differentially to a set of 14 elicitors. The most effective group of elicitors was represented by salicylic acid, chitosan, methyl jasmonate, and elicitor released from cell walls of phytopathogen Botrytis cinerea. These four representative elicitors highly stimulated accumulation of pathogenesis-related proteins and key enzymes of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Further, fungal elicitor caused rapid transcriptional activation of genes encoding diverse defense-related products. The expression kinetics of four defense-related genes (PR-1, PR-9, PAL, and CHI) were different and strongly dependent on the nature of elicitor used.

Keywords: Botrytis cinerea; cell death; expression; immunoblotting; in vitro culture; oxidative burst; PR-proteins; run-off transcription; Vitis vinifera L.
Subjects: Botrytis cinerea; cell death, defense mechanisms; defense gene activation, cell suspension culture; elicitor-stimulated induction of defense mechanisms; grapevine, elicitor-stimulated induction of defense mechanisms; in vitro culture, infection, defense mechanism; oxidative burst, elicitor-stimulated induction of defense mechanisms; pathogenesis-related protein, defense-related protein; Vitis vinifera

Published: December 1, 2001  Show citation

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Repka, V. (2001). Elicitor-Stimulated Induction of Defense Mechanisms and Defense Gene Activation in Grapevine Cell Suspension Cultures. Biologia plantarum44(4), 555-565. doi: 10.1023/A:1013742703929
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