biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Nìmec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 43:481-489, 2000 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1002835330799

Pollen Embryogenesis - The Stress Mediated Switch from Gametophytic to Sporophytic Development. Current Status and Future Prospects

P. Smıkal1,*
1 Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic e-mail

Embryogenesis can be initiated directly from microspores or pollen grains. This is known as androgenesis and refers to the process of redirection of normal pollen development (gametophytic pathway) towards the embryo formation (sporophytic). This review mainly deals with the current knowledge of stress and developmental aspects of induction of androgenesis. The crucial role of stress inductive treatment together with changes in cell polarity are discussed in relation to other relevant biological systems. The intriguing speculations are made on the basis of these comparisons which may point out the direction of future investigations.

Keywords: cell symmetry; gene expression; heat shock proteins; polarity
Subjects: cell symmetry, pollen embryogenesis, heat shock proteins; gene expression, pollen embryogenesis, heat shock proteins; heat shock proteins, pollen embryogenesis; polarity, heat shock proteins, pollen embryogenesis; pollen embryogenesis; stress mediated switch from gametophytic to sporophytic development

Published: December 1, 2000  Show citation

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Smıkal, P. (2000). Pollen Embryogenesis - The Stress Mediated Switch from Gametophytic to Sporophytic Development. Current Status and Future Prospects. Biologia plantarum43(4), 481-489. doi: 10.1023/A:1002835330799
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