biologia plantarum

International journal on Plant Life established by Bohumil Němec in 1959

Biologia plantarum 46:149-152, 2003 | DOI: 10.1023/A:1027313805930

Induction of Betalain Pigmentation in Hairy Roots of Red Beet under Different Radiation Sources

K.S. Shin1, H.N. Murthy1,2, J.W. Heo1, K.Y. Paek1
1 Research Center for the Development of Advanced Horticultural Technology, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, Korea
2 Karantak University, Dharwad, India

The effect of different radiation sources - blue (B), red (R), R plus B (RB), B plus far red (BFr), R plus far red (RFr) - was tested on the growth of hairy roots and betalain accumulation in Beta vulgaris L. (red beet). Light emitting diodes were used as radiation sources. The growth of hairy roots under different radiation treatments depended on radiation quality. Highest biomass accumulation was under the BFr treatment. BFr treatment efficiently induced betalain pigmentation in hairy roots. Total sugar and sucrose contents of hairy roots were also greater in this treatment. Thus, the betalain pigmentation in the cultured hairy roots can be influenced by radiation quality and BFr is most suitable for accumulation of betalains.

Keywords: Beta vulgaris; betacyanin; betaxanthin; biomass; bioreactor; light emitting diodes; radiation quality
Subjects: Beta vulgaris; betacyanin; betalain; betaxanthin; bioreactor; hairy root; radiation, visible, quality, sources; red beet, betalain pigmentation, hairy roots; root, hairy

Published: July 1, 2003  Show citation

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Shin, K.S., Murthy, H.N., Heo, J.W., & Paek, K.Y. (2003). Induction of Betalain Pigmentation in Hairy Roots of Red Beet under Different Radiation Sources. Biologia plantarum46(1), 149-152. doi: 10.1023/A:1027313805930
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