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Short Report

Alcohol and Repeated Deliberate Self-Harm

Preliminary Results of the French Cohort Study of Risk for Repeated Incomplete Suicides

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Background: Repeated episode(s) of deliberate self-harm (RDSH) is a major risk factor for suicide. Aims: To identify specific risk factors for RDSH among patients admitted following an episode of deliberate self-harm (DSH) through acute intoxication. Methods: A prospective 6-month study was conducted with 184 patients (71% female) admitted to the emergency room (ER) as a result of self-poisoning (SP). Results: Rate of RDSH stood at 18% after 6 months. The sociodemographic variables associated with repeated deliberate self-harm were to have no principal activity, consultation with a medical professional during the 6 months preceding the self-poisoning, and referral to psychiatric services upon release from the ER. The clinical variable associated with RDSH was alcohol addiction (OR = 2.7; IC 95% = 1.2–6.1, p < .05) as assessed at the time of the initial ER admission. Conclusions: When patients are initially admitted to the ER as a result of self-poisoning, it is important to evaluate specific factors, particularly alcohol use, that could subsequently lead to repeated deliberate self-harm. The goal is to improve the targeting and referral of patients toward structures that can best respond to their needs.


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