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Perceived Social Support and Mental Health After Suicide Loss

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Abstract.Background: Despite great need, social support is limited after suicide loss, which could contribute to worse mental health outcomes including increased suicidality among suicide loss survivors. Aims: To examine the associations between perceived social support, grief difficulties, depressive symptoms, suicidality, and personal growth among 195 suicide loss survivors. Method: The associations between perceived social support, grief difficulties, depressive symptoms, suicidality, and personal growth were tested using linear regression modeling. Results: In controlled models, more perceived social support was significantly associated with decreased grief difficulties, depressive symptoms, and suicidality, as well as with increased personal growth. Limitations: Participants were mostly Caucasian women who participated in a cross-sectional online survey. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that programs to increase social support after suicide loss may be an important aspect of suicide postvention.


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