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Research Trends

Peer Suicide Prevention in a Prison

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Summary: Suicide rates among inmate populations in prisons are considerably higher than in the general population. Suicide prevention is a common need among penal institutions around the world. Traditional approaches involving only correctional staff in suicide prevention efforts have proven to have their limitations. The involvement of inmates in peer prevention efforts seems to be a reasonable alternative approach. This study examines such a program, called SAMS in the Pen, operated jointly between the prison and the Samaritans of Southern Alberta. This service, the first of its kind in Canada, involved inmate volunteers, known as SAMS, who were trained in listening skills, suicide prevention, and risk assessment. Data was collected for the research from volunteers, correctional staff, general inmate population, and professional staff. However, given the low absolute number in the one institution where the study was carried out, statistical analyses were not practical. As with any new service, the SAMS in the Pen experienced some developmental problems but was perceived to be a worthwhile service to both inmates and staff of the prison.
