
Welcome to the Assess 2.0 program update page.

Follow these instructions to install the updates:

The initial and default installation of Assess copies the program to this folder on your computer - c:/Program Files/Assess2/

To upgrade your copy of the program, simply right click on the link below and save it to the folder containing your copy of Assess 2.0 (c:/Program Files/Assess2/ unless you designated another location upon installation).

Unzip the update file and allow the replacement of the earlier version of the file Assess.exe with the new version. It is advised that you update the versions 2.1 and 2.2 in succession. When the update is complete, the file Assess.exe should be dated 5/1/2009.

Assess update version 2.1
This fix enables multiple thresholds.

Assess update version 2.2
See the link below for information about this update.

Assess version information for update 2.2