Modern Vector Control

  1. Frank H. Collins
  1. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556
  1. Correspondence: frank{at}


The rapid spread of mosquito resistance to currently available insecticides, and the current lack of an efficacious malaria vaccine are among many challenges that affect large-scale efforts for malaria control. As goals of malaria elimination and eradication are put forth, new vector-control paradigms and tools and/or further optimization of current vector-control products are required to meet public health demands. Vector control remains the most effective measure to prevent malaria transmission and present gains against malaria mortality and morbidity may be maintained as long as vector-intervention strategies are sustained and adapted to underlying vector-related transmission dynamics. The following provides a brief overview of vector-control strategies and tools either in use or under development and evaluation that are intended to exploit key entomological parameters toward driving down transmission.

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