Hypothesis-generating research and predictive medicine

  1. Leslie G. Biesecker1
  1. National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland 20892, USA


    Genomics has profoundly changed biology by scaling data acquisition, which has provided researchers with the opportunity to interrogate biology in novel and creative ways. No longer constrained by low-throughput assays, researchers have developed hypothesis-generating approaches to understand the molecular basis of nature—both normal and pathological. The paradigm of hypothesis-generating research does not replace or undermine hypothesis-testing modes of research; instead, it complements them and has facilitated discoveries that may not have been possible with hypothesis-testing research. The hypothesis-generating mode of research has been primarily practiced in basic science but has recently been extended to clinical-translational work as well. Just as in basic science, this approach to research can facilitate insights into human health and disease mechanisms and provide the crucially needed data set of the full spectrum of genotype–phenotype correlations. Finally, the paradigm of hypothesis-generating research is conceptually similar to the underpinning of predictive genomic medicine, which has the potential to shift medicine from a primarily population- or cohort-based activity to one that instead uses individual susceptibility, prognostic, and pharmacogenetic profiles to maximize the efficacy and minimize the iatrogenic effects of medical interventions.


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