GABA-mediated presynaptic inhibition is required for precision of long-term memory

  1. Aaron M. Jasnow1
  1. Department of Psychology, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 44242, USA


    Though much attention has been given to the neural structures that underlie the long-term consolidation of contextual memories, little is known about the mechanisms responsible for the maintenance of memory precision. Here, we demonstrate a rapid time-dependent decline in memory precision in GABAB(1a) receptor knockout mice. First, we show that GABAB(1a) receptors are required for the maintenance, but not encoding, of a precise fear memory. We then demonstrate that GABAB(1a) receptors are required for the maintenance, but not encoding, of spatial memories. Our findings suggest that GABA-mediated presynaptic inhibition regulates the maintenance of memory precision as a function of memory age.


    • 1 Corresponding author

      E-mail ajasnow{at}

    • Received August 27, 2013.
    • Accepted January 7, 2014.

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