Auxin in Root Development

  1. Stefan Kepinski
  1. Centre for Plant Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, United Kingdom
  1. Correspondence: s.roychoudhry{at}; s.kepinski{at}


Root system architecture is an important determinant of below-ground resource capture and hence overall plant fitness. The plant hormone auxin plays a central role in almost every facet of root development from the cellular to the whole-root-system level. Here, using Arabidopsis as a model, we review the multiple gene signaling networks regulated by auxin biosynthesis, conjugation, and transport that underpin primary and lateral root development. We describe the role of auxin in establishing the root apical meristem and discuss how the tight spatiotemporal regulation of auxin distribution controls transitions between cell division, cell growth, and differentiation. This includes the localized reestablishment of mitotic activity required to elaborate the root system via the production of lateral roots. We also summarize recent discoveries on the effects of auxin and auxin signaling and transport on the control of lateral root gravitropic setpoint angle (GSA), a critical determinant of the overall shape of the root system. Finally, we discuss how environmental conditions influence root developmental plasticity by modulation of auxin biosynthesis, transport, and the canonical auxin signaling pathway.

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