Ionization Rates for Electrons and Holes in Silicon

A. G. Chynoweth
Phys. Rev. 109, 1537 – Published 1 March 1958
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The ionization rates for holes and electrons in silicon have been determined over the following ranges of field: for holes, (2.5-6.0)×105 volts cm1; for electrons, (2.0-5.0)×105 volts cm1. The ionization rate for electrons is higher than that for holes. The results suggest that the field dependence of the ionization rate for holes and, probably, for electrons also, can be expressed by aexp(bE), where E is the field. The constants a and b are different for electrons and holes.

  • Received 22 October 1957


©1958 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

A. G. Chynoweth

  • Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey

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Vol. 109, Iss. 5 — March 1958

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