Quantum-statistical approach to the electrical conductivity of dense, high-temperature plasmas

G. Röpke
Phys. Rev. A 38, 3001 – Published 1 September 1988
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On the basis of a quantum-statistical formulation of electronic transport in charged-particle systems, the electrical conductivity of a high-density fully ionized plasma is evaluated using a diagram representation of the Matsubara Green functions. Many-particle effects such as the Debye-Onsager relaxation effect are investigated, and a low-density expansion of the inverse conductivity σ1(T,n)=A(T)lnn+B(T)+C(T)n1/2lnn+⋅⋅⋅ as a function of temperature T and density n is obtained. Approximative expressions are given for the functions A(T), B(T), and C(T) in the quasiclassical limit, and the resulting conductivity is compared with experiments.

  • Received 17 February 1988


©1988 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

G. Röpke

  • Sektion Physik, Wilhelm-Pieck-Universität Rostock, DDR-2500 Rostock, German Democratic Republic

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Vol. 38, Iss. 6 — September 1988

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