Site-selective laser-spectroscopy studies of the intrinsic 1.9-eV luminescence center in glassy SiO2

Linards Skuja, Toshio Suzuki, and Katsumi Tanimura
Phys. Rev. B 52, 15208 – Published 1 December 1995
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The intrinsic 1.9-eV photoluminescence band (the R band) in neutron-irradiated synthetic silica glass has been studied using site-selective photoluminescence excitation in the 2.0 eV absorption band and transient spectral hole-burning techniques. The measurements of the low-energy wing of the zero-phonon line intensity distribution function confirm the predicted nearly Gaussian shape with a peak at 1.93 eV and a half-width of 86 meV. The homogeneous shape of the emission contour (‘‘single-site spectrum’’) has been evaluated by a selective saturation method, revealing, a phonon sideband with a peak at 60 cm1 and a width of approximately 500 cm1. The total Huang-Rhys factor is estimated as 1.50±0.5 and the partial Huang-Rhys factor for the interaction with the 890 cm1 local vibration is 0.08±0.04. The analysis of spectral parameters indicates that the R band cannot be due to peroxide or ozonide molecular ions and upholds the attribution of the center to the nonbridging oxygen hole center.

  • Received 8 May 1995


©1995 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Linards Skuja

  • Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia, Riga LV1063, Latvia

Toshio Suzuki and Katsumi Tanimura

  • Department of Physics, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa, Nagoya 464-01, Japan

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Vol. 52, Iss. 21 — 1 December 1995

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