Density-functional investigation of magnetism in δ-Pu

Per Söderlind, Alex Landa, and Babak Sadigh
Phys. Rev. B 66, 205109 – Published 27 November 2002
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We present density-functional results of δ-Pu obtained from three electronic-structure methods. These methods have their individual strengths and are used in combination to investigate the magnetic and crystal stability of δ-Pu. An all-electron, full potential linear muffin-tin orbitals (FPLMTO) method, that includes corrections for spin-orbit coupling and orbital-polarization effects, predicts δ-Pu to be an antiferromagnet at zero temperature with a volume and a bulk modulus in very good agreement with experiment. The site-projected magnetic moment is smaller than expected (1.5μB) due to large cancellation of spin and orbital moments. These calculations also predict a mechanical instability of antiferromagnetic (AF) δ-Pu. In addition, techniques based on the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) method within a Green’s-function formalism and a projector augmented wave (PAW) method predict the same behavior of δ-Pu. In order to study disordered magnetism in δ-Pu, the KKR Green’s-function technique was used in conjunction with the disordered local-moment model, whereas for the FPLMTO and PAW methods this was accomplished within the special quasirandom structure model. While AF δ-Pu remains mechanically unstable at lower temperatures, paramagnetic δ-Pu is stabilized at higher temperatures where disordered magnetic moments are present and responsible for the crystal structure, the low density, and the low bulk modulus of this phase.

  • Received 26 July 2002


©2002 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

Per Söderlind, Alex Landa, and Babak Sadigh

  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California, P.O. Box 808, Livermore, California 94550

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Vol. 66, Iss. 20 — 15 November 2002

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