Calculation of densities of states and spectral functions by Chebyshev recursion and maximum entropy

R. N. Silver and H. Röder
Phys. Rev. E 56, 4822 – Published 1 October 1997
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We present an efficient algorithm for calculating spectral properties of large sparse Hamiltonian matrices such as densities of states and spectral functions. The combination of Chebyshev recursion and maximum entropy achieves high-energy resolution without significant roundoff error, machine precision, or numerical instability limitations. If controlled statistical or systematic errors are acceptable, CPU and memory requirements scale linearly in the number of states. The inference of spectral properties from moments is much better conditioned for Chebyshev moments than for power moments. We adapt concepts from the kernel polynomial method, a linear Chebyshev approximation with optimized Gibbs damping, to control the accuracy of Fourier integrals of positive nonanalytic functions. We compare the performance of kernel polynomial and maximum entropy algorithms for an electronic structure example.

  • Received 26 March 1997


©1997 American Physical Society

Authors & Affiliations

R. N. Silver and H. Röder

  • MS B262 Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545

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Vol. 56, Iss. 4 — October 1997

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