Original paper

Does physical education modify the body composition? - Results of a longitudinal study of pre-school children

Scheffler, Christiane; Ketelhut, Kerstin; Mohasseb, Iman

Anthropologischer Anzeiger Volume 65 No. 2 (2007), p. 193 - 201

17 references

published: Jul 4, 2007
published online: May 29, 2019

DOI: 10.1127/anthranz/65/2007/193

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The aim of the study is the analysis of body composition, motor development and cardiovascular parameters of preschool-children. In 2001/2002 a longitudinal study started in 17 nursery schools in Berlin. A total of 160 children out of the 264 children participated in a regular exercise programme. After 24 months of training significant differences of body composition, motor skills and cardiovascular parameters between 5 complete year old children of the intervention and the control group were observed. The results show that such an exercise programme is successful as a preventive measure to decrease the risk of obesity.


Body compositionmotor developmentcardiovascular parameterpreschool childrenprevention