Original paper

Mallomonas solea-ferrea and Mallomonas siveri (Chrysophyceae/Synurophyceae): two new taxa from the Western Cape (South Africa)

Němcová, Yvonne; Bulant, Petr; Kristiansen, Jørgen

Nova Hedwigia Band 93 Heft 3-4 (2011), p. 375 - 384

published: Nov 1, 2011

DOI: 10.1127/0029-5035/2011/0093-0375

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Two new species, Mallomonas solea-ferrea and M. siveri, are described based on both transmission and scanning electron microscopy from the Western Cape (South Africa). Mallomonas solea-ferrea is located in the section Torquatae, with typical collar scales bearing a smooth, curved bristle, rhomboid body scales, and rear scales with a diminutive spine. The shield of the body scales is covered with delicate papillae and a secondary reticulum where each mesh encloses approximately six pores. The proximal-most reticulation forms a depression in the shape of a horseshoe. The most similar taxon to M. solea-ferrea is the nominal variety of M. pumilio. Mallomonas siveri belongs to the section Striatae. All scales of the cell coat have a smooth dome and possess a sharply terminated, slightly curved bristle. The scales of M. siveri are most similar to those of M. striata since they possess the special groups of pores posteriorly on the shield. However, in M. siveri, the V-rib arms are continuous with the anterior submarginal ribs, and both flanges are smooth.


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