Diverse roles of hnRNP L in mammalian mRNA processing: A combined microarray and RNAi analysis

  1. Lee-Hsueh Hung1,3,
  2. Monika Heiner1,3,
  3. Jingyi Hui1,3,
  4. Silke Schreiner1,
  5. Vladimir Benes2, and
  6. Albrecht Bindereif1
  1. 1Institute of Biochemistry, Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, D-35392 Giessen, Germany
  2. 2Genomics Core Facility, EMBL, D-69117 Heidelberg, Germany
  1. 3 These authors contributed equally to this work.


Alternative mRNA splicing patterns are determined by the combinatorial control of regulator proteins and their target RNA sequences. We have recently characterized human hnRNP L as a global regulator of alternative splicing, binding to diverse C/A-rich elements. To systematically identify hnRNP L target genes on a genome-wide level, we have combined splice-sensitive microarray analysis and an RNAi-knockdown approach. As a result, we describe 11 target genes of hnRNP L that were validated by RT-PCR and that represent several new modes of hnRNP L-dependent splicing regulation, involving both activator and repressor functions: first, intron retention; second, inclusion or skipping of cassette-type exons; third, suppression of multiple exons; and fourth, alternative poly(A) site selection. In sum, this approach revealed a surprising diversity of splicing-regulatory processes as well as poly(A) site selection in which hnRNP L is involved.



  • Reprint requests to: Albrecht Bindereif, Institute of Biochemistry, Justus-Liebig-University of Giessen, Heinrich-Buff-Ring 58, D-35392 Giessen, Germany; e-mail: albrecht.bindereif{at}chemie.bio.uni-giessen.de; fax: 49-641-9935 419.

  • Article published online ahead of print. Article and publication date are at http://www.rnajournal.org/cgi/doi/10.1261/rna.725208.

    • Received July 10, 2007.
    • Accepted November 1, 2007.
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