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Recent advances in the induction of labor

[version 1; peer review: 2 approved]
PUBLISHED 30 Oct 2019
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The rate of labor induction is steadily increasing and, in industrialized countries, approximately one out of four pregnant women has their labor induced. Induction of labor should be considered when the benefits of prompt vaginal delivery outweigh the maternal and/or fetal risks of waiting for the spontaneous onset of labor. However, this procedure is not free of risks, which include an increase in operative vaginal or caesarean delivery and excessive uterine activity with risk of fetal heart rate abnormalities. A search for “Induction of Labor” retrieves more than 18,000 citations from 1844 to the present day. The aim of this review is to summarize the controversies concerning the indications, the methods, and the tools for evaluating the success of the procedure, with an emphasis on the scientific evidence behind each.


Induction of labor, prostaglandins, prediction of successful induction


Induction of labor (IOL) is certainly one of the most frequently performed obstetric procedures in the world: recent data indicate a percentage of induction of up to 35.5% in Sri Lanka1, 24.5% in the United States2, and from 6.8 to 33% in Europe3. In spite of the extreme diffusion of the procedure, there are still numerous unanswered questions, or questions that have not obtained a unanimous consensus in the scientific literature. In general, it is universally accepted that IOL is indicated when it is thought that the outcomes for the fetus, the mother, or both are better than with expectant management, that is waiting for the spontaneous onset of labor47; in addition, IOL should be taken into consideration when the vaginal route is thought to be the most appropriate for delivery, a concept that is broader than the simple absence of contraindications to vaginal birth. Furthermore, being a medical procedure, IOL should be carried out only when there is informed consent4,5,8 and where the precursor for the induction, including specific risks and benefits and the choice of the method used, are clearly explained; furthermore, I personally believe that consent should be accompanied by data on the success of the procedure in the birth center. A general concern is that IOL might increase the rate of cesarean delivery and have an impact on the experience of birth, as in women undergoing IOL it is generally less favorable, even though it is not always easy to separate the effect of the procedure per se from that of the perception of the obstetric risk that makes IOL necessary or from its outcome. In other words, the mother can perceive childbirth complicated by a risk that makes IOL necessary or that ends with a caesarean section as negative or less positive. When it comes to IOL, the factors to be taken into consideration and that can influence its success are many: among them, the precursor to induction, i.e. the clinical condition, present or absent, at the time the decision to induce is taken, the woman’s characteristics, the method of induction used, and other factors that can predict the success of the induction. However, it should be borne in mind that the current literature is not unanimous in defining certain key points such as the definition for failed induction or even what to consider as the success of the induction. We will address these points individually.

Precursors for induction

Table 1 presents a summary of the five guidelines available on the subject48. The first line presents a general summary of the precursors with some guidelines being specific of some clinical situations while others remain more generic. In the case of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), for instance, this vagueness is compensated for by the presence of a series of publications referring to specific clinical situations913, in which the possibility of induction is dealt with. Given the generality of the concept that IOL is indicated when terminating pregnancy is better than expectant management, I have then chosen to insert a series of specific precursors, those reported by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), the oldest of the guidelines, and then verify possible changes over time in the more recent.

Table 1. Summary of the available guidelines on the induction of labor.

NICE, 20084ACOG, 20096WHO, 20117SOGC, 20138Queensland, 20175
Summary of
10 specific circumstancesPossible indicationsFive specific circumstancesHigh priority
Other indications
Unacceptable indications
Specific indications and
Other IOL indications
Near or beyond
Women with uncomplicated pregnancies
should usually be offered IOL between
41+0 and 42+0 weeks to avoid the
risks of prolonged pregnancy. The
exact timing should take into account
the woman’s preferences and local
IOL after 42+0/7 weeks
and by 42+ 6/7 weeks is
recommended (A).
IOL between 41+0/7 and
42+0/7 weeks can be
considered (B).
See 9.
Recommended for women who
are known with certainty to have
reached 41 weeks (>40+7) of
Women should be offered
IOL between 41+0 and
42+0 weeks, as this
intervention may reduce
perinatal mortality and
meconium aspiration
syndrome without
increasing the CS rate (I–A)
For uncomplicated
pregnancies, recommended
after 41+0 weeks. Exact
timing depends on the
specific risk of stillbirth,
individual preferences, and
local circumstances. Waiting
after 42+0 weeks is not
Area outside of the remit of the guidelineYesIf gestational diabetes is the only
abnormality, IOL before 41 weeks of
gestation is not recommended.
One of the “other
One of the specific
indications and
In the absence of any other indications,
IOL should not be carried out simply
because a healthcare professional
suspects a baby is large for gestational
age (macrosomic).
Suspected fetal macrosomia
is not an indication for IOL
(B) See 10
IOL at term is not recommended for
suspected fetal macrosomia.
Inductions should not
be performed solely
for suspected fetal
macrosomia. (III–D)
Not recommended on the
basis of clinical suspicion of
macrosomia alone.
PROMWomen with PROM at term (≥37 weeks)
should be offered a choice of IOL with
vaginal PGE2 or expectant management.
IOL is appropriate approximately 24
hours after PROM at term.
YesIOL is recommended for women
with PROM at term.
One of the “other
For prevention of EOGBSD
Twin pregnancyArea outside of the remit of the guidelineNot mentionedFor IOL in women with an
uncomplicated twin pregnancy at
or near term, no recommendation
was made, as there was
insufficient evidence to issue a recommendation.
Among “other indications”
when uncomplicated and
≥38 weeks
In uncomplicated twin
pregnancies (monochorionic
or dichorionic), plan birth
after 37+0 weeks.
pPROMIf a woman has pPROM, IOL should
not be carried out before 34 weeks
unless there are additional obstetric
indications (for example, infection or fetal
At 34+0/7 weeks of gestation
or greater, delivery is
recommended for all women
with ruptured membranes (B)
See 11
One of other indications
when near term with GBS
For prevention of EOGBSD
Previous CSIf delivery is indicated, women who have
had a previous CS may be offered IOL
with vaginal PGE2, CS, or expectant
management on an individual basis,
taking into account the woman’s
circumstances and wishes.
Induction reasonable
option for a maternal or
fetal indication; potential
increased risk of uterine
rupture; avoid misoprostol
See 12
Misoprostol is not recommended for
IOL in women with previous CS.
Not mentionedOne of the specific
History of
precipitate labor
IOL to avoid a birth unattended by
healthcare professionals should not be
routinely offered to women with a history
of precipitate labor.
Included in logistic reasons
for why labor may be induced
Not mentionedOne of “other indications”Not mentioned
IOL should not routinely be offered on
maternal request alone. However, under
exceptional circumstances (for example,
if the woman’s partner is soon to be
posted abroad with the armed forces),
induction may be considered at or after
40 weeks.
Not mentionedNot mentionedUnacceptable indicationConsider IOL at term
based on exceptional
circumstances of the woman
and her family (i.e. not
solely because of patient
or healthcare provider
IOL is not generally recommended
if a woman’s baby is in the breech
presentation. If external cephalic version is
unsuccessful, declined, or contraindicated,
and the woman chooses not to have an
elective CS, IOL should be offered, if
delivery is indicated, after discussing the
associated risks with the woman.
Not mentionedNot mentionedFootling breech mentioned
as contraindication
Not mentioned
FGRIf there is severe FGR with confirmed
fetal compromise, IOL is not
Severe FGR as possible
Not specifically mentionedSuspected fetal
compromise as one of the
high-priority indications
For babies with FGR, use
of umbilical artery, middle
cerebral, and ductus
venosus Doppler may
assist in improving perinatal
outcome through more
appropriate timing of birth.
Severity affects the decision
concerning mode and timing
of birth. If recommending
expectant management,
increase fetal surveillance.
IOL at term to prevent
stillbirth is appropriate.
IUFDIn the event of an IUFD, if the woman
appears to be physically well, her
membranes are intact, and there is no
evidence of infection or bleeding, she
should be offered a choice of immediate
IOL or expectant management.
IOL is appropriate at later
gestational ages (B)
See 13
In the third trimester, in women
with a dead or an anomalous fetus,
oral or vaginal misoprostol are
recommended for IOL.
One of the “other
One of the specific
Failure of
Failure to establish labor after one cycle
of treatment, consisting of the insertion
of two vaginal PGE2 tablets (3 mg) or
gel (1–2 mg) at 6-hourly intervals, or one
PGE2 pessary (10 mg) within 24 hours.
Allowing at least 12–18
hours of latent labor before
diagnosing a failed induction
may reduce the risk of
cesarean delivery
Mentioned as not necessarily
indicating CS, but not specified
Not definedThe criteria for failed IOL
are not generally agreed:
review the individual clinical
circumstances, assess fetal
wellbeing using CTG, and
discuss options for care. The
likelihood of vaginal birth is
significantly lower if not in
active labor after 12 hours
of oxytocin. If appropriate,
consider an alternative IOL
method, and/or discharge
home for 24 hours followed
by second attempt at IOL
or CS
Assessment of
the cervix
Bishop scoreBishop scoreNot definedBishop scoreBishop score
Success of IOLVaginal delivery within 24
hours of IOL
Not definedCS rate is an indicator of IOL
Vaginal delivery within 24
to 48 hours of IOL
Not defined
TachysystoleMore than five contractions per 10
minutes for at least 20 minutes
More than five contractions in
10 minutes, averaged over a
30-minute window
Not definedMore than five
contractions per 10-
minute period averaged
over 30 minutes.
More than five contractions
in 10 minutes without fetal
heart rate abnormalities
A prelude to the onset of labor whereby
the cervix becomes soft and compliant.
This allows its shape to change from
being long and closed to being thinned
out (effaced) and starting to open
(dilate). It occurs either naturally or as
a result of physical or pharmacological
The goal of cervical ripening
is to facilitate the process of
cervical softening, thinning,
and dilating with resultant
reduction in the rate of failed
induction and induction to
delivery time
Not definedThe use of
pharmacological or other
means to soften, efface,
or dilate the cervix to
increase the likelihood of
a vaginal delivery.
Same as NICE
ripening timing
Vaginal PGs: maximum of two doses

Vaginal PG pessary: one dose over
Dinoprostone gel: maximum 7.5 mL within 24 hours

Dinoprostone pessary
No specific mentionNo maximum dose for
Dinoprostone gel: maximum
dose of 3 mg

Dinoprostone pessary:
10 mg; second dose not
Assessment of
the cervix
By the Bishop score: a score of 8 or
more generally indicates that the cervix
is ripe
By the Bishop pelvic scoring
system: an unfavorable cervix
generally has been defined
as a Bishop score of 6. If the
total score is more than 8, the
probability of vaginal delivery
after labor induction is similar
to that after spontaneous
How can the Bishop score be used
in selecting the method of IOL in
clinical practice?
By the Bishop score to
determine the likelihood
of success and to select
the appropriate method of

The Bishop score should
be documented.
By the Bishop score (the
state of the cervix is one of
the important predictors of
successful IOL): the cervix
is unfavorable if the BS is 6
or less.

ACOG, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; CS, cesarean section; CTG, cardiotocography; EOGBSD, early onset group B Streptococcal disease; FGR, fetal growth restriction; GBS, group B streptococcus; IOL, induction of labor; IUFD, intrauterine fetal death; NICE, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; PG, prostaglandin; PGE2, prostaglandin E2 (dinoprostone); PROM, prelabor rupture of the membranes; pPROM, preterm prelabor rupture of the membranes; SCOG, Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada; WHO, World Health Organization.

For some precursors, there is a general consensus that recommends induction: for example, for pregnancy at or beyond term where everyone agrees on the induction between 410 and 417 weeks49,14 or for pre-labor rupture of the membranes (PROM)48,11,15. For others, there is a general consensus that instead does not recommend induction: in the case of fetal macrosomia, all guidelines agree that macrosomia, by itself, should not be considered a precursor for induction (Table 1 10). However, a recent study that randomized 818 women, including approximately 10% diabetic patients in each group, with singleton fetuses whose estimated weight exceeded the 95th percentile showed that IOL for suspected macrosomia is associated with a reduced risk of shoulder dystocia and associated morbidity compared with expectant management, with no increase in cesarean delivery rate16. The results of this study have changed the conclusions of the Cochrane review on this topic17,18.

A particular mention should be made of the so-called elective induction: the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC)8 defines it as IOL in the absence of acceptable fetal or maternal indications. NICE4 more generally defines "elective" clinical procedures that are planned rather than becoming necessary as emergencies and therefore applicable to other procedures as well (the most frequent being caesarean delivery). In the Queensland guidelines5, elective induction seems to coincide with induction by maternal request. In truth, the concept of elective induction has increasingly been defined as an induction at term, without an apparent clinical reason, in order to improve maternal and perinatal outcomes. To my knowledge, the first reference dates back to 194719, and since then many observational studies2028 and some randomized studies (revised in29,30) have been published. The latest contribution is that of the Maternal–Fetal Medicine Units Network which, in August 201831, published the results of a multicenter trial that included 6,106 low-risk women randomized to receive IOL at 390–394 weeks or expectant management. The primary outcome of the study was a composite of perinatal death or severe neonatal complications and the conclusions were that elective induction does not reduce the composite adverse perinatal outcome but nevertheless results in a significantly lower frequency of cesarean delivery (18.6% versus 22.2%; relative risk 0.84; 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.76 to 0.93) However, a most recent systematic review and meta-analysis of 7 randomized controlled trials with 7598, has shown no effect on the cesarean delivery rates32. The rationale for elective inductions would be to manage pregnancies between 390 and ≤410 weeks, as before and after these gestational ages perinatal outcomes are worse than at term9,33. Overall, the results of these studies do not show clear evidence that a policy of elective induction in low-risk parturients brings a clear advantage29,30. In addition, it has been pointed out that IOL requires a range of human resources, services, monitoring, and interventions, all of which should be available if elective IOL is to be conducted safely34.

Another specific mention should be made of IOL after a previous cesarean delivery: the conclusions of a recent review and meta-analysis on eight retrospective studies published between 2000 and 201335 are that IOL slightly increases the risk of uterine rupture/dehiscence (1.1% versus 0.6%; OR 1.62; 95% CI 1.13–2.31) and of repeat cesarean delivery. However, IOL might be necessary in women with a previous cesarean delivery and should be considered a reasonable option provided that all possible measures are put in place to safeguard the well-being of mother and child12.

In conclusion, for very few of the precursors reported in the guidelines (Table 1) and in the scientific literature3641, there is clear evidence that IOL actually improves the obstetric and/or perinatal outcome. An example for all is isolated oligohydramnios at term, a popular precursor for IOL: a recent meta-analysis42 including 2,414 women with oligohydramnios and 33,585 controls but only one randomized trial with about 50 women showed that oligohydramnios represents a risk factor for IOL, caesarean section, and short-term neonatal morbidity. However, it is difficult to define precisely whether the outcomes represent the effect of IOL itself or that of the precursor. The same applies to other clinical situations in the presence of maternal and/or fetal pathology.

Success and failure of induction of labor

These two terms would seem contradictory: if IOL succeeds, it certainly has not failed. However, even from this point of view, there is no complete uniformity in the literature. In fact, for induction success, some mean obtaining a vaginal birth, others add “not complicated”, “within 24 hours from the beginning of the induction”, or “reaching the active phase of labor” (see also Table 1). The main problem lies in the fact that success and failure in this case are not opposed: in general, the success of IOL should be represented by the achievement of a vaginal birth, even if it is operative, without a defined time limit (in other words, if the birth happens within 49 hours of the induction, does it represent an unsuccessful IOL?). This is particularly true in the case of obese women, for example, in whom it has been reported that IOL may take longer than in women of normal weight43. A different issue is the failure of induction, that is the failure of the process that should have led to labor, independently from its outcome: in this sense, failure should be only one of the possible reasons why a vaginal birth is not obtained, should be related to the procedure per se, and should not be confused with the arrest of labor in the first or second stage once the active phase has started. However, if we look at Table 1, the uniformity between the guidelines is completely lacking: even in the case of NICE4, it seems that induction failure coincides with the non-achievement of cervical ripening. It is evident that an agreement of what induction failure represents is crucial because it heavily affects the cesarean delivery rate, and many definitions have been reported44,45. In the ACOG/Society for Maternal–Fetal Medicine (SMFM) consensus on the safe prevention of the primary cesarean delivery46, it is stated that “if the maternal and fetal status allow, cesarean deliveries for the induction of labor in the latent phase can be avoided by allowing longer durations of the latent phase (up to 24 hours or longer) and requiring that oxytocin be administered for at least 12–18 hours after membrane rupture before deeming the induction a failure”. Furthermore, in order to deny the definition of arrest of labor in the first stage, it is necessary to have reached at least 6 cm of dilation. This definition of failure is confirmed by the American Maternal–Fetal Medicine Units Network in a recent study of more than 10,000 women47. In conclusion, it seems reasonable to say that an induction did not fail without oxytocin being administered to induce contractions.

Prediction of successful labor induction

The identification of the factors associated with the success of the induction, intended as vaginal delivery, is fundamental for a procedure which is considered to contribute to the increase in the cesarean delivery rate4850. One of the main factors is certainly the assessment of the cervix. From the time of its presentation51, the Bishop score (BS) is the most used method to assess the cervix52 (Table 1), with a BS of 6 or less indicating an unfavorable cervix and a score of 8 or more a favorable one (and a BS of 7 being homeless). A review that considered more than 40 relatively mediocre-quality articles that correlated the BS at the beginning of the induction with its outcome concluded that BS is a poor predictor and should not be used to decide whether or not to induce labor53. In an attempt to increase its predictive value, a series of clinical and biochemical parameters have been added54,55. A modified simplified BS has also been proposed which includes only dilation, station, and effacement56,57 alone or in combination with other parameters58. The predictive capacity of the transvaginal sonographic assessment of the cervix has also been evaluated5961 either by itself or in combination with other parameters58,6266. At present, however, the BS remains the main tool for the assessment of the cervix at the beginning of the induction and for the evaluation of cervical ripeness (i.e. its changes) during the induction process.

Other factors that have been associated with the success of the induction are parity67, gestational age and size of the fetus68, body mass index (BMI)43,69, age of the mother and the presence of comorbidities70, and biochemical markers such as fibronectin, activin A, and insulin growth factor binding protein-148,49,71,72 either alone or variously combined54,55,63,71,72. There is a general agreement in considering parity as a major predictor of IOL success7375. Regarding the gestational age, IOL success of late preterm (34–366 weeks) is similar to that of term pregnancies68, while in weeks between 24 and 336 it varies between 56.9 and 66.7%, considering only live births. In principle, it can be said that the success of the induction, meaning vaginal birth, increases with the gestational age and that >50% of women (also nulliparous with an unripe cervix) give birth vaginally76. Scoring systems73, nomograms74, and prediction model systems75 have been proposed but have not been validated yet77. Recently, a systematic review of 14 models derived or validated since 1966 has provided a list of recommendations for improving the performance and utilization of the models78.

Methods of induction

The literature concerning the various methods of labor induction (i.e. cervical ripening and the onset of uterine contractions) discusses the effectiveness of pharmacological, mechanical, investigational, and complementary and alternative medicine means of third trimester IOL7984. The pharmacological methods are oxytocin and prostaglandins (PGE1: misoprostol and PGE2: dinoprostone), the latter available in different forms (tablet, gel, or insert) and, for misoprostol, with different routes of administration (oral titrated solution, buccal/sublingual, oral, or vaginal)84,85. Slow-release formulations are also available for PGEs. In general, PGEs are the drug of choice when cervical ripening is needed in the presence of an unfavorable cervix (see Table 1). Cervical ripening can be performed in either an outpatient or an inpatient setting8688. Oxytocin, instead, is used when the cervix is favorable (BS 7–8) and is the drug that induces contractions. Generally speaking, it could be correct to state that an IOL, in the presence of maternal and fetal well-being, should not be defined failed before oxytocin administration. In other words, NICE’s definition4 of failure of the induction appears, according to modern knowledge, difficult to share. Suffice it to say that IOL was widespread practice even before the introduction of PGEs and that at the time it was based only on the administration of oxytocin, with good results19. Among the mechanical methods, the most popular is the Foley catheter89,90, either alone91 or in association with oxytocin9296, or misoprostol97,98, and with different balloon volumes99,100. The combination of mechanical and pharmacological methods used simultaneously does not show clear benefits in terms of mode of delivery: the use of the Foley catheter with oxytocin increases the rate of delivery within 24 hours in nulliparas95,96, while the association of Foley and misoprostol101 reduces the intervention to delivery time interval and the number of uterine hyperstimulations, in both cases without influencing cesarean delivery rates.

Alternative methods include castor oil, which has received renewed interest in recent times102104, acupuncture105, breast/nipple stimulation106108, sexual intercourse109, homeopathy110, and hypnotic relaxation111. For all these methods, the role in IOL is uncertain, basically because of the lack of studies, if not anecdotal reports. Membrane sweeping deserves a special mention: in spite of modest discomfort for the mother, it reduces the number of pregnancies beyond term and the need for induction, without increasing the infectious risks112. All the cited guidelines recommend its execution in all women starting from 400 weeks to reduce the incidence of IOL and also before the pharmacological IOL48. If the cervix is closed and membrane sweeping is not possible, cervical massage in vaginal fornices may achieve similar effect5.

I do not feel able to state favor for one method of cervical ripening over another: often the choice of the drug to be used also passes through local policies, but this is beyond the scope of this review. However, consensus seems to be unanimous that fetal heart rate should be recorded both before and after cervical ripening, intracervical prostaglandins can be abandoned, and misoprostol should be avoided in the induction of women with a previous cesarean delivery.


The purpose of this review is to give some “food for thought”, showing that the variables involved in the process are many and ideally should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. The attempts made to create successful prediction systems implemented so far are still far from achieving the intended. In conclusion, some suggestions can be provided: it would be recommended that every birth center should be provided with local guidelines regarding the IOL; once started, IOL should be continued until the end; there is no evidence that repeated cycles of cervical ripening are advantageous in terms of successful induction (and unfortunately the birth experience in women whose pre-induction process was eternal has not yet been investigated thoroughly); and the lack of changes of the BS at the end of cervical ripening is not synonymous with IOL failure. It has been reported that even in nulliparous women with an unfavorable BS, unchanged after the ripening process with PGEs, the administration of oxytocin leads to 80% of vaginal deliveries66.

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Marconi AM. Recent advances in the induction of labor [version 1; peer review: 2 approved] F1000Research 2019, 8(F1000 Faculty Rev):1829 (
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Version 1
PUBLISHED 30 Oct 2019
Reviewer Report 30 Oct 2019
Lili S. Wei, Division of Maternal Fetal Medicine, NYU Langone Hospital, Brooklyn, New York, USA 
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Wei LS. Reviewer Report For: Recent advances in the induction of labor [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2019, 8(F1000 Faculty Rev):1829 (
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Reviewer Report 30 Oct 2019
Rohan D'Souza, Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada 
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D'Souza R. Reviewer Report For: Recent advances in the induction of labor [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research 2019, 8(F1000 Faculty Rev):1829 (
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