Acetylation of γ-mangostin Isolated from the Mangosteen Pericarp (Garcinia mangostana Linn.) and Their Antidiabetic Activity

Ega Rocky Maulana Rafsanjani, Arif Fadlan, Taslim Ersam


Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana Linn) is one of the most well-known plants in Indonesia. Mangosteen contains many derivatives of oxygenated and prenylated xanthones from phenolics which exhibit diverse biological activities such as antioxidants, antimalarials, anti-allergies, anti-tumors, antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anticancer, and antidiabetic. Modification of xanthone compounds is known to increase antidiabetic activity and it is known that α- and β-mangostin acetylated can be produced from the modification of α- and β-mangostin using acetic anhydride. In this study, as many as 1.43 grams (1.59%) of the γ-mangostin compound were successfully isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of mangosteen pericarp. Modification of γ-mangostin through the acetylation reaction produces acetylated γ-mangostin in the form of 3,6,7-tri-methylester-γ-mangostin as much as 32.9 mg (63%). Antidiabetic test results showed γ-mangostin had an IC50 value of 8.55 μM, while the IC50 value of 3.6.7-tri-methylester-γ-mangostin was 1.82 μM. Acarbose as a positive control has an IC50 value of 4.48 μM. This shows that modification can increase antidiabetic activity.


acetylation; antidiabetic; garcinia mangostana linn

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