Czech J. Food Sci., 2009, 27(10):S114-S118 | DOI: 10.17221/1086-CJFS

Changes in the Mineral Content in Cheeses of Different Compositions during 6 Months of Ripening

I. González-Martín1, *, J. M. Hernández-Hierro1, I. Revilla2, A. Vivar-Quintana2, I. Lobos-Ortega1, C. González-Pérez1
1 Departamento de Química Analítica, Nutrición y Bromatología, Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, 37008 Salamanca, Spain
2 Área de Tecnología de los Alimentos de la Universidad de Salamanca en Zamora, 49022 Zamora, Spain, *E-mail:

The mineral content of cheese depends on the origin of the milk (cow, ewe, goat) and its ripening. In this work the effect of different factors on the mineral composition and the correlation between minerals (Ca, Fe, Mg, K, Na, and Zn) and the type of milk used are studied. The One-Way ANOVA procedure revealed that the effect of cow's milk was statistically significant on Fe, K, P, and Zn; goat's milk was statistically significant for Fe and Mg, and ewe's milk was statistically significant for K. The effect of the ripening time was statistically significant in all cases, except for Zn; the effect of the season was statistically significant for K, Mg and P and the effect of the year was statistically significant in the case of K, Na, P, and Zn. The percentage of cow's cheese was positively correlated with K and P; the percentage of ewe's cheese was negatively correlated with K, Mg, Na, and P and the percentage of goat's cheese was negatively correlated with Na, and P.

Keywords: mineral composition, cows, ewes, goats, ripening, cheese

Published: June 30, 2009  Show citation

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González-Martín I, Hernández-Hierro JM, Revilla I, Vivar-Quintana A, Lobos-Ortega I, González-Pérez C. Changes in the Mineral Content in Cheeses of Different Compositions during 6 Months of Ripening. Czech J. Food Sci.. 2009;27(Special Issue 1):S114-118. doi: 10.17221/1086-CJFS.
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