J. For. Sci., 2002, 48(3):115-120 | DOI: 10.17221/11863-JFS

Introgression in black poplar (Populus nigra L. ssp. nigra) and its transmissionOriginal Paper

V. Benetka, K. Vacková, I. Bartáková, M. Pospíšková, M. Rasl
Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening, Prùhonice, Czech Republic

: Introgression was studied in the offspring of P. nigra and P. × canadensis female trees using 3 enzymatic patterns (6-PGD, LAP and GPI). Our investigations were aimed at the offspring from open pollination and controlled pollination by the pollen mixture from 3 clones of P. nigra and 3 clones of P. × canadensis. The rate of introgression in P. nigra offspring from open pollination was 0.67%. Introgression in 3 offsprings of P. nigra from controlled pollination was 7.14%. In P. × canadensis the heterozygous: homozygous phenotype ratio in 2 offsprings from open pollination was 1:1; it documents prevailing fertilization by P. nigra pollen. After fertilization by the pollen mixture this segregation ratio was 1:1 (6-PGD; GPI) or 3:1 (LAP). The offspring of P. × canadensis maternal components are assumed to have a major share in introgression.

Keywords: introgression; open pollination; controlled crossing; Populus nigra L. ssp. nigra; Populus × canadensis Moench.

Published: March 31, 2002  Show citation

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Benetka V, Vacková K, Bartáková I, Pospíšková M, Rasl M. Introgression in black poplar (Populus nigra L. ssp. nigra) and its transmission. J. For. Sci.. 2002;48(3):115-120. doi: 10.17221/11863-JFS.
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