Agric. Econ. - Czech, 2016, 62(11):528-536 | DOI: 10.17221/250/2015-AGRICECON

Historical development of land ownership in the Czech Republic since the foundation of the Czechoslovakia until presentShort Communication

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic

The aim of the paper is to describe the land ownership relations in the area of the current Czech Republic since the foundation of Czechoslovakia. The description of the history of changes of land ownership in the Czech Republic is important for the perception of the current nature of the land use and land market. Land use and ownership was always related to the historical context and political regime. The time periods are divided by the important historical events: after 1918 (foundation of the Czechoslovak Republic), 2nd World War period, after 1948 (takeover of the power by the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia and the centrally planned economy period) and after 1989 (foundation of the market economy). During this era, three land reforms took place. The main role was played by the political apparatus the aim of which was to enhance its economic and political influence, and international interests. It can be concluded that the ownership of land in the Czech lands was always uneven. During the period, the state expropriated land from different society spheres and reallocated it to others. No other property in private ownership underwent so many ownership changes in the legal organization of the state.

Keywords: land reforms, land use structure, soil tenancy

Published: November 30, 2016  Show citation

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HOMOLAC L, TOMSIK K. Historical development of land ownership in the Czech Republic since the foundation of the Czechoslovakia until present. Agric. Econ. - Czech. 2016;62(11):528-536. doi: 10.17221/250/2015-AGRICECON.
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