Plant Soil Environ., 2015, 61(7):328-331 | DOI: 10.17221/314/2015-PSE

The effect of herbicides on the content of glycoalkaloids in the leaves and tubers of potatoOriginal Paper

K. Zarzecka, M. Gugała, A. Sikorska
University of Natural Sciences and Humanities in Siedlce, Siedlce, Poland

The aim of the studies was to determine the effect of the used herbicides and their mixtures on the level of glycoalkaloids (TGA) in the leaves and tubers of three edible potato cultivars. The studied factors were: I - three cultivars: Cekin, Satina and Tajfun. II - five ways of care: 1. mechanical care - the control object and four objects using herbicides Command 480 EC, Afalon Dispersion 450 SC and Stomp 400 SC. The content of glycoalkaloids both in the leaves and in the tubers of the edible potato significantly depended on the genotype. The highest content of TGA characterised the cv. Cekin - 623.5 mg/kg and 67.21 mg/kg of fresh weight (FW), respectively, while the smallest was found in cv. Satina - 339.3 mg/kg and 33.60 mg/kg of FW, respectively. Herbicides used in the experiment caused the increase of the content of glycoalkaloids compared to the tubers from the control object. However, a significantly higher concentration of TGA was stated after using the mixture of herbicides Command 480 EC + Afalon Dispersion 450 SC and Stomp 400 SC + Afalon Dispersion 450 SC.

Keywords: anti-nutrition substance; weed control methods; Solanum tuberosum L.

Published: July 31, 2015  Show citation

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Zarzecka K, Gugała M, Sikorska A. The effect of herbicides on the content of glycoalkaloids in the leaves and tubers of potato. Plant Soil Environ.. 2015;61(7):328-331. doi: 10.17221/314/2015-PSE.
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