Czech J. Food Sci., 2014, 32(2):115-121 | DOI: 10.17221/512/2012-CJFS

Composition, protein contents, and microstructural characterisation of grains and flours of emmer wheats (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) of the central Italy typeOriginal Paper

Veronica Giacintucci1, Luis Guardeño2, Ana Puig2, Isabel Hernando2, Giampiero Sacchetti1, Paola Pittia1
1 Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food Agriculture and Environment, University of Teramo, Mosciano S. Angelo TE, Italy
2 Department of Food Technology, Research Group of Food Microstructure and Chemistry, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain

The microstructural characteristics were evaluated of two types of Italian Farro (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) with spring and autumn growth habits, the former with a vitreous tendency and the latter with a floury tendency. Common wheat flours and grains (Triticum aestivum) were used as controls. Protein fractions such as glutenin and gliadin were extracted from Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum flours and studied by SDS-PAGE in order to make a comparison between the electrophoretic analyses and microstructural studies which were conducted on the same samples using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM and Cryo-SEM). The results obtained by SDS-PAGE showed that the gliadin patterns of both emmer samples were similar, while the common wheat gliadins showed a band at 90 kDa that was not present in the gliadin fraction of emmer. When the glutenin patterns were analysed, the autumn emmer did not show the low molecular weight protein bands (16-23 kDa) whilst spring emmer wheat appeared more similar to common wheat. Regarding the microstructural characteristics of the kernels, spring (vitreous tendency) emmer showed starch granules covered by protein to a higher extent than autumn emmer. These differences were also observed in flours. The gluten of spring emmer wheat was observed as a homogeneous structure showing similarities with common wheat gluten, while autumnal emmer gluten appeared more heterogeneous and lacking in structure.

Keywords: Cryo-SEM; gluten; microstructure; SDS-PAGE; SEM

Published: April 30, 2014  Show citation

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Giacintucci V, Guardeño L, Puig A, Hernando I, Sacchetti G, Pittia P. Composition, protein contents, and microstructural characterisation of grains and flours of emmer wheats (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) of the central Italy type. Czech J. Food Sci.. 2014;32(2):115-121. doi: 10.17221/512/2012-CJFS.
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