Research Article
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Year 2019, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 71 - 95, 01.01.2019



  • Adams, S., Cummins, M., Davis, A., Freeman, A., Hall, C., & Ananthanarayanan, V. (2017). NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from Almarashdeh, I. (2016). Sharing instructors experience of learning management system: A technology perspective of user satisfaction in distance learning course. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 249-255 Altınay, Z. (2017). Evaluating peer learning and assessment in online collaborative learning environments. Behaviour & Information Technology, 36(3), 312-320. doi: Altunoglu, A. (2017). Initial perceptions of open higher education students with learner management systems. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 18(3), 96-104. doi: Arasaratnam, L. A. & Northcote, M. (2017). Community in Online Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 15(2), 188-198. Baleghi, S., Ayub, A. F. M., Mahmud, R., & Daud, S. M. (2017). The influence of system interactivity and technical support on learning management system utilization. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 9(1), 50-68. Retrieved from Barak, M. (2017). Science teacher education in the twenty-first century: A pedagogical framework for technology-integrated social constructivism. Research in Science Education, 47(2), 283-303. doi: Bartolomé, A., Garcia, R. & Aguaded, I. (2018). Blended Learning: Panorama y Perspectivas [Blended Learning: Landscape and Perspectives]. RIED, Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia, 21(1), 33-56. Bates, A. W. (2015). Teaching in A Digital Age. UK: BC Open Textbooks. Retrieved from Benedetti, C. (2015). Online instructors as thinking advisors: a model for Online Learning. Third Quarter, 12(4), 171-176. Bin, A. (2017). Faculty Perceptions of the Educational Value of Learning Management Systems. Doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield. Retrieved from Bousbahi, F., & Alrazgan, M. S. (2015). Investigating IT faculty resistance to learning management system adoption using latent variables in an acceptance technology model. The Scientific World Journal, 1-11. doi: Brazuelo, F. & Cacheiro-González, M.L. (2015). Estudio de adaptabilidad para dispositivos moviles en plataformas MOOC [Adaptability study for mobile devices on MOOC platforms]. RED, Revista de Educacion a Distancia, 47(1), 1-13. doi: Brown, M., Dehoney, J. & Millichap, N. (2015). What's Next for the LMS? Educause Review, 50(4), 40-51. Retrieved from Cabero, J. (2014). La formacion del profesorado en TIC: modelo TPACK [The training of teachers on ICT: TPACK model]. Sevilla: Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologias de la Universidad de Sevilla. Cacheiro, M.L. (2011). Recursos educativos TIC de informacion, colaboracion y aprendizaje [ICT Educational Resources for Information, Collaboration and Learning]. Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Comunicacion, 39, 69-81. Retrieved from Cho, Y.S. (2011). Diversification of learning platforms. Moscow: ITE-UNESCO. Retrieved from Chugh, R., Ledger, S., & Shields, R. (2017). Curriculum design for distance education in the tertiary sector. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 18(2),1-15. doi: Conner, M.L. (2013). Informal learning. Retrieved from Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Dahlstrom, E., Brooks, D. Ch., & Bichsel, J. (2014). The Current Ecosystem of Learning Management Systems in Higher Education: Student, Faculty, and IT Perspectives. Research report. Louisville, CO: ECAR, Educause Center for Analysis and Research. Retrieved from Duran, A., Cornejo, J., & Flores, J. (2017). Competitive advantages with the use of ICT (moodle) in the new curriculum at the University of Guadalajara, México. Competition Forum, 15(2), 319-323. Falloon, G. (2011). Making the connection: Moore’s Theory of transactional distance and its relevance to the use of a virtual classroom in postgraduate online teacher education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43(3), 187-209. Fields, A., Lai, K.W., Gibbs, J., Kirk, A. & Vermunt, J. (2016). The transformation of an online learning community from an organized facility to an organic Fraternity. Distance Education, 37(1), 60-72. Garcia-Aretio, L. (2017). Educacion a distancia y virtual: calidad, disrupcion, aprendizajes adaptativo y movil [Distance and virtual education: quality, disruption, adaptive and mobile learning.]. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia, 20(2), 9-25. doi: Garcia-Cabrero, B. (2009). Manual de métodos de investigacion para las ciencias sociales. Un enfoque de enseñanza basado en proyectos [Manual of research methods for the social sciences. A project-based teaching approach]. México: Manual Moderno. Garrison, D.R. & Anderson, T. (2005). El e-learning en el siglo XXI [The elearning in the XXI century]. Barcelona: Octaedro. Garrison, D.R. & Cleveland, M. (2005). Facilitating Cognitive Presence in Online Learning: Interaction Is Not Enough. The American Journal of Distance Education, 19(3), 133–148. doi: Gaytan, J. (2015). Comparing Faculty and Student Perceptions Regarding Factors that affect Student Retention in Online Education. The American Journal of Distance Education, 29, 56-66. Gharmallah, M. (2017). The Effect of Using Online Discussion Forums on Students’ Learning. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1), 164-176. Retrieved from Gomez, J. (ed.) (2016). UNIVERSITIC 2016. Análisis de las TIC en las Universidades Españolas [TIC Analysis in Spanish Universities]. Madrid: CRUE Universidades Españolas. Gomez, P.; Barbera, E. & Fernández, F. (2016). Measuring teachers and learners’ perceptions of the quality of their online learning experience. Distance Education, 37(2), 146-163. doi: Guedez, M. M., & Navea, L. C. (2014). La interaccion comunicativa en los foros de discusion de un entorno virtual de enseñanza y aprendizaje [The communicative interaction in the forums of discussion of a virtual environment of teaching and learning]. Accion Pedagogica, 23(1), 48-58. Retrieved from Gurtler, L. & Huber, G.L. (2007). Modos de pensar y estrategias de la investigacion cualitativa [Ways of thinking and strategies of qualitative research]. Liberabit, 13, 37-52. Henderson, M., Selwyn, N. & Aston, R. (2017). What works and why? Student perceptions of ‘useful’ digital technology in university teaching and learning. Studies in Higher Education, 42(8), 1567-1579. doi: Hernández-Sampieri, R., Fernández-Collado, C. & Baptista-Lucio, P. (2010). Metodologia de la investigacion [Research methodology]. México: McGraw-Hill. Holzweias, P.C., Joyner, S.A., Fuller, M.B., Henderson, S. & Young, R. (2014). Online graduate student’s perceptions of best learning experiences. Distance Education, 35(3), 311-323. INTEF, National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training, Spain (2017). Common Digital Competence Framework For Teachers. Madrid: MECD, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Spain. Retrieved from Ioannou, A. Demetriou, S. & Mama, M. (2014). Exploring factors influencing collaborative knowledge construction in online discussions: student facilitation and quality of initial postings. The American Journal of Distance Education, 28, 183-195. ITU-UNESCO (2014). Partnership on measuring ICT for development final WSIS targets review achievements, challenges and the way forward. Retrieved from Jain, M. & Tyagi, R. (2017). Education standard can be improved by integrating. ICT in Education. International Education & Research Journal, 3(10), 77-80. Retrieved from Johnson, L., Adams, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V., Freeman, A., & Hall, C. (2016). NMC Horizon Report: 2016 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Ju-Yin, T, & Yen-Chen, Y. (2016). College Students' Perspectives of E-Learning System Use in High Education. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2(2), 53-62. Retrieved from Karataş, S., Yılmaz, A. B., Dikmen, C. H., Ermiş, U. F., & Gurbuz, O. (2017). Interaction in distance education environments: A trend analysis. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 18(1), 63. Keane, T., Keane, W. F., & Blicblau, A. S. (2016). Beyond traditional literacy: Learning and transformative practices using ICT. Education and Information Technologies, 21(4), 769-781. doi: Kebble, P.G. (2017). Assessing Online Asynchronous Communication Strategies Designed to Enhance Large Student Cohort Engagement and Foster a Community of Learning. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(8); 92-100. doi: Khan, A., Egbue, O., Palkie, B., & Madden, J. (2017). Active learning: Engaging students to maximize learning in an online course. Electronic Journal of E-Learning, 15(2), 107-115. Knyazeva, S. (2016) (ed.). Futures for Higher Education and ICT: Changes Due to the Use of Open Content. Moscow: ITE-UNESCO. Retrieved from Krathwohl, D.R. (2002). Revising Bloom’s Taxonomy. Theory into practice, 41(4), 212-218. Retrieved from Kurucay, M. & Inan, F.A. (2017). Examining the effects of learner-learner interactions on satisfaction and learning in an online undergraduate course. Computers & Education, 115, 20-37. Kwon, K., & Park, S. J. (2017). Effects of discussion representation: Comparisons between social and cognitive diagrams. Instructional Science, 45(4), 469-491. doi: Lim, J., Jeong, A. C., Hall, B. M., & Freed, S. (2017). Intersubjectivity and discussion characteristics in online courses. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 18(1), 29-44. Lopez, E. & Camilli, C. (2014). Métodos mixtos de investigacion en modalidad b-learning: análisis de la comunicacion asincronica [Mixed methods research in b-learning modality: asynchronous communication analysis]. Historia y Comunicacion Social, 19, 403-415. doi: Lyashenko, M.S. & Frolova, N.H. (2014). LMS projects: A platform for intergenerational e-learning collaboration. Education and Information Technologies, 19, 495-513. doi: Ma, J., Han, X., Yang, J., & Cheng, J. (2015). Examining the necessary condition for engagement in an online learning environment based on learning analytics approach: The role of the instructor. The Internet and Higher Education, 24, 26-34. doi: Maita, M. & Navea, L.C. (2014). La interaccion comunicativa en los foros de discusion de un entorno virtual de enseñanza y aprendizaje [The communicative interaction in the forums of discussion of a teaching and learning virtual environment]. Accion Pedagogica, 23, 48-58. Marin, V., Sampedro, B. E., & Vega, E. (2017). 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The Learning Platform in Distance Higher Education: Student’s Perceptions

Year 2019, Volume: 20 Issue: 1, 71 - 95, 01.01.2019


The aim of this study is to discover student’s perceptions from the School of Education about the use of the learning platform to improve educational process in distance higher education. To this end, a descriptive study with a mixed approach (quantitative and qualitative) has been applied according to the objectives of the study. An ad-hoc semi-structured questionnaire has been validated by experts, obtaining the response of 111 students of the Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED), who are conducting social education, pedagogy, and master's degrees in education. The results showed positive values in the different dimensions analyzed: (I) Role of learning platform in distance education, (II) Instructional of the design learning platform, (III) Didactic interaction through the learning platform and (IV) The learning platform and professional practice. The analysis of the open questions, provides guidelines for improving the use of the learning platform in distance higher education regarding strengths (student’s exchange, and independent learning) and weaknesses (feedback delay, and content repository).


  • Adams, S., Cummins, M., Davis, A., Freeman, A., Hall, C., & Ananthanarayanan, V. (2017). NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Retrieved from Almarashdeh, I. (2016). Sharing instructors experience of learning management system: A technology perspective of user satisfaction in distance learning course. Computers in Human Behavior, 63, 249-255 Altınay, Z. (2017). Evaluating peer learning and assessment in online collaborative learning environments. Behaviour & Information Technology, 36(3), 312-320. doi: Altunoglu, A. (2017). Initial perceptions of open higher education students with learner management systems. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 18(3), 96-104. doi: Arasaratnam, L. A. & Northcote, M. (2017). Community in Online Higher Education: Challenges and Opportunities. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 15(2), 188-198. Baleghi, S., Ayub, A. F. M., Mahmud, R., & Daud, S. M. (2017). The influence of system interactivity and technical support on learning management system utilization. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 9(1), 50-68. Retrieved from Barak, M. (2017). Science teacher education in the twenty-first century: A pedagogical framework for technology-integrated social constructivism. Research in Science Education, 47(2), 283-303. doi: Bartolomé, A., Garcia, R. & Aguaded, I. (2018). Blended Learning: Panorama y Perspectivas [Blended Learning: Landscape and Perspectives]. RIED, Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia, 21(1), 33-56. Bates, A. W. (2015). Teaching in A Digital Age. UK: BC Open Textbooks. Retrieved from Benedetti, C. (2015). Online instructors as thinking advisors: a model for Online Learning. Third Quarter, 12(4), 171-176. Bin, A. (2017). Faculty Perceptions of the Educational Value of Learning Management Systems. Doctoral dissertation, University of Sheffield. Retrieved from Bousbahi, F., & Alrazgan, M. S. (2015). Investigating IT faculty resistance to learning management system adoption using latent variables in an acceptance technology model. The Scientific World Journal, 1-11. doi: Brazuelo, F. & Cacheiro-González, M.L. (2015). Estudio de adaptabilidad para dispositivos moviles en plataformas MOOC [Adaptability study for mobile devices on MOOC platforms]. RED, Revista de Educacion a Distancia, 47(1), 1-13. doi: Brown, M., Dehoney, J. & Millichap, N. (2015). What's Next for the LMS? Educause Review, 50(4), 40-51. Retrieved from Cabero, J. (2014). La formacion del profesorado en TIC: modelo TPACK [The training of teachers on ICT: TPACK model]. Sevilla: Secretariado de Recursos Audiovisuales y Nuevas Tecnologias de la Universidad de Sevilla. Cacheiro, M.L. (2011). Recursos educativos TIC de informacion, colaboracion y aprendizaje [ICT Educational Resources for Information, Collaboration and Learning]. Pixel-Bit, Revista de Medios y Comunicacion, 39, 69-81. Retrieved from Cho, Y.S. (2011). Diversification of learning platforms. Moscow: ITE-UNESCO. Retrieved from Chugh, R., Ledger, S., & Shields, R. (2017). Curriculum design for distance education in the tertiary sector. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education (TOJDE), 18(2),1-15. doi: Conner, M.L. (2013). Informal learning. Retrieved from Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and Qualitative Research. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Dahlstrom, E., Brooks, D. Ch., & Bichsel, J. (2014). The Current Ecosystem of Learning Management Systems in Higher Education: Student, Faculty, and IT Perspectives. Research report. Louisville, CO: ECAR, Educause Center for Analysis and Research. Retrieved from Duran, A., Cornejo, J., & Flores, J. (2017). Competitive advantages with the use of ICT (moodle) in the new curriculum at the University of Guadalajara, México. Competition Forum, 15(2), 319-323. Falloon, G. (2011). Making the connection: Moore’s Theory of transactional distance and its relevance to the use of a virtual classroom in postgraduate online teacher education. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43(3), 187-209. Fields, A., Lai, K.W., Gibbs, J., Kirk, A. & Vermunt, J. (2016). The transformation of an online learning community from an organized facility to an organic Fraternity. Distance Education, 37(1), 60-72. Garcia-Aretio, L. (2017). Educacion a distancia y virtual: calidad, disrupcion, aprendizajes adaptativo y movil [Distance and virtual education: quality, disruption, adaptive and mobile learning.]. RIED. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion a Distancia, 20(2), 9-25. doi: Garcia-Cabrero, B. (2009). Manual de métodos de investigacion para las ciencias sociales. Un enfoque de enseñanza basado en proyectos [Manual of research methods for the social sciences. A project-based teaching approach]. México: Manual Moderno. Garrison, D.R. & Anderson, T. (2005). El e-learning en el siglo XXI [The elearning in the XXI century]. Barcelona: Octaedro. Garrison, D.R. & Cleveland, M. (2005). Facilitating Cognitive Presence in Online Learning: Interaction Is Not Enough. The American Journal of Distance Education, 19(3), 133–148. doi: Gaytan, J. (2015). Comparing Faculty and Student Perceptions Regarding Factors that affect Student Retention in Online Education. The American Journal of Distance Education, 29, 56-66. Gharmallah, M. (2017). The Effect of Using Online Discussion Forums on Students’ Learning. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 16(1), 164-176. Retrieved from Gomez, J. (ed.) (2016). UNIVERSITIC 2016. Análisis de las TIC en las Universidades Españolas [TIC Analysis in Spanish Universities]. Madrid: CRUE Universidades Españolas. Gomez, P.; Barbera, E. & Fernández, F. (2016). Measuring teachers and learners’ perceptions of the quality of their online learning experience. Distance Education, 37(2), 146-163. doi: Guedez, M. M., & Navea, L. C. (2014). La interaccion comunicativa en los foros de discusion de un entorno virtual de enseñanza y aprendizaje [The communicative interaction in the forums of discussion of a virtual environment of teaching and learning]. Accion Pedagogica, 23(1), 48-58. Retrieved from Gurtler, L. & Huber, G.L. (2007). Modos de pensar y estrategias de la investigacion cualitativa [Ways of thinking and strategies of qualitative research]. Liberabit, 13, 37-52. Henderson, M., Selwyn, N. & Aston, R. (2017). What works and why? Student perceptions of ‘useful’ digital technology in university teaching and learning. Studies in Higher Education, 42(8), 1567-1579. doi: Hernández-Sampieri, R., Fernández-Collado, C. & Baptista-Lucio, P. (2010). Metodologia de la investigacion [Research methodology]. México: McGraw-Hill. Holzweias, P.C., Joyner, S.A., Fuller, M.B., Henderson, S. & Young, R. (2014). Online graduate student’s perceptions of best learning experiences. Distance Education, 35(3), 311-323. INTEF, National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training, Spain (2017). Common Digital Competence Framework For Teachers. Madrid: MECD, Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Spain. Retrieved from Ioannou, A. Demetriou, S. & Mama, M. (2014). Exploring factors influencing collaborative knowledge construction in online discussions: student facilitation and quality of initial postings. The American Journal of Distance Education, 28, 183-195. ITU-UNESCO (2014). Partnership on measuring ICT for development final WSIS targets review achievements, challenges and the way forward. Retrieved from Jain, M. & Tyagi, R. (2017). Education standard can be improved by integrating. ICT in Education. International Education & Research Journal, 3(10), 77-80. Retrieved from Johnson, L., Adams, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V., Freeman, A., & Hall, C. (2016). NMC Horizon Report: 2016 Higher Education Edition. Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium. Ju-Yin, T, & Yen-Chen, Y. (2016). College Students' Perspectives of E-Learning System Use in High Education. Asian Journal of Education and Training, 2(2), 53-62. Retrieved from Karataş, S., Yılmaz, A. B., Dikmen, C. H., Ermiş, U. F., & Gurbuz, O. (2017). Interaction in distance education environments: A trend analysis. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 18(1), 63. Keane, T., Keane, W. F., & Blicblau, A. S. (2016). Beyond traditional literacy: Learning and transformative practices using ICT. Education and Information Technologies, 21(4), 769-781. doi: Kebble, P.G. (2017). Assessing Online Asynchronous Communication Strategies Designed to Enhance Large Student Cohort Engagement and Foster a Community of Learning. Journal of Education and Training Studies, 5(8); 92-100. doi: Khan, A., Egbue, O., Palkie, B., & Madden, J. (2017). 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There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Maria Luz Cacheıro-gonzalez This is me 0000-0001-7865-1362

Antonio Medına-rıvılla This is me 0000-0002-1483-0668

Maria Concepcion Domınguez-garrıdo This is me 0000-0003-1192-0040

Maria Medına-domınguez This is me 0000-0003-3500-9913

Publication Date January 1, 2019
Submission Date February 8, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019 Volume: 20 Issue: 1


APA Cacheıro-gonzalez, M. L., Medına-rıvılla, A., Domınguez-garrıdo, M. C., Medına-domınguez, M. (2019). The Learning Platform in Distance Higher Education: Student’s Perceptions. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 20(1), 71-95.

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