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1 April 2004 Intracellular Responses of Antennal Chordotonal Sensilla of the American Cockroach
Suguru Ikeda, Yoshihiro Toh, Jun-ya Okamura, Jiro Okada
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The responses of mechanoreceptor neurons in the antennal chordotonal organ have been examined in cockroaches by intracellular recording methods. The chordotonal organ was mechanically stimulated by sinusoidal movement of the flagellum. Stimulus frequencies were varied between 0.5 and 150 Hz. Receptor neurons responded with spike discharges to mechanical stimulation, and were classed into two groups from plots of their average spike frequencies against stimulus frequency. Neurons in one group responded to stimulation over a wide frequency range (from 0.5 to 150 Hz), whereas those in a second group were tuned to higher frequency stimuli. The peak stimulus frequency at which receptor neurons showed maximum responses differed from cell to cell. Some had a peak response at a stimulus frequency given in the present study (from 0.5 to 150 Hz), whereas others were assumed to have peak responses beyond the highest stimulus frequency examined.

The timing for the initiation of spikes or of a burst of spikes plotted against each stimulus cycle revealed that spike generation was phase-locked in most cells. Some cells showed phase-independent discharges to stimulation at lower frequency, but increasing stimulus frequencies spike initiation began to assemble at a given phase of the stimulus cycle. The response patterns observed are discussed in relation to the primary process of mechanoreception of the chordotonal organ.

Suguru Ikeda, Yoshihiro Toh, Jun-ya Okamura, and Jiro Okada "Intracellular Responses of Antennal Chordotonal Sensilla of the American Cockroach," Zoological Science 21(4), 375-383, (1 April 2004).
Received: 11 August 2003; Accepted: 1 December 2003; Published: 1 April 2004
chordotonal organ
intracellular recording
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