Effect of Temperature Treatments on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius)

Author: Abigail Larnyo, Promise Joshua Atitsogbui

ijeab doi crossref DOI: 10.22161/ijeab.56.29

Keyword: temperature treatment, seed germination, seedling vigour, jute mallow, Corchorus olitorius.

Abstract: Jute mallow (Corchorus olitorius) is one of the common green leafy vegetables used widely throughout Ghana. Jute mallow is cultivated by seeds and the demand for the crop is year-round. Despite the high demand, its efficient production is marred by poor seed germination. Thus, this study seeks to determine the effect of pre-chill, dry and wet heat on germination, seedling emergence and seedling vigor of jute mallow. Results revealed that hot water at 70⁰C with combination of 70⁰C oven heat for thirty (30) minutes produced the best germination, emergence and seedling vigour. The effect of hot water at 70⁰C only was also significantly higher than other treatments. Jute mallow farmers who produce on small scale could use hot water at 70⁰C to treat seeds before sowing. Large scale producers, however, could use a combination of hot water at 70⁰C and oven heat at 70⁰C to treat seeds before sowing.

Article Info: Received: 02 Nov 2020; Received in revised form: 13 Dec 2020; Accepted: 25 Dec 2020; Available online: 30 Dec 2020

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Abigail Larnyo, Promise Joshua Atitsogbui et al."Effect of Temperature Treatments on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius)". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878),vol 5, no. 6, 2020, pp.1631-1640 AI Publications doi:10.22161/ijeab.56.29


Abigail Larnyo, Promise Joshua Atitsogbui, P.(2020).Effect of Temperature Treatments on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius). International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(6), 1631-1640.10.22161/ijeab.56.29


Abigail Larnyo, Promise Joshua Atitsogbui, P.(2020).Effect of Temperature Treatments on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius). International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(6), pp.1631-1640.


Abigail Larnyo, Promise Joshua Atitsogbui. 2020."Effect of Temperature Treatments on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius)". International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology(ISSN: 2456-1878).5(6):1631-1640.Doi:10.22161/ijeab.56.29


Abigail Larnyo, Promise Joshua Atitsogbui."Effect of Temperature Treatments on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius)", International Journal of Environment Agriculture and Biotechnology,vol.5,no. 6, pp.1631-1640,2020.


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