2016年第4期   DOI:10.22217/upi.2016.256
Exploration of Approaches and Factors of Healthy City Planning

王兰 廖舒文 赵晓菁

Wang Lan, Liao Shuwen, Zhao Xiaojing


Keywords:Healthy City; Research Approach; Planning Factors




Planning and design for healthy city has drawn increasingly extensive attention. On the one hand, urban environmental issues have become prominent, especially air pollution caused by industrialization in developing countries; on the other hand, urban residents’ demand for physical and mental health calls for physical space to promote the quality of life. Based on theoretical and empirical researches, this paper explores significant spatial factors in healthy city planning and their correlation with public health in different approaches. In order to reduce pollution and its impact on human as well as encourage exercise, the correlations are elaborated from four perspectives: land use, spatial form, road and transport, green space and open space, with a view to provide basis for healthy city planning and its related studies.




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