Lattice Surgery with a Twist: Simplifying Clifford Gates of Surface Codes

Daniel Litinski and Felix von Oppen

Dahlem Center for Complex Quantum Systems and Fachbereich Physik, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, 14195 Berlin, Germany

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We present a planar surface-code-based scheme for fault-tolerant quantum computation which eliminates the time overhead of single-qubit Clifford gates, and implements long-range multi-target CNOT gates with a time overhead that scales only logarithmically with the control-target separation. This is done by replacing hardware operations for single-qubit Clifford gates with a classical tracking protocol. Inter-qubit communication is added via a modified lattice surgery protocol that employs twist defects of the surface code. The long-range multi-target CNOT gates facilitate magic state distillation, which renders our scheme fault-tolerant and universal.

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