

This paper discusses the first results of the CONECT-ID project, which addresses young people’s digital identities from the perspective of hyperconnectivity based on their perception of time in digital leisure. Its main objective is to analyse young people’s time management and their hyper-connected perception of time. To do so, a qualitative study was performed using discussion groups with 130 participants organised in groups of respondents aged 12 to 16 and 16 to 18. Analysis was then performed using the NVivo software program. The results showed a difference in use and tools between the age groups. Both sets of groups claim to lose the concept of time, in particular the older ones. Younger respondents report having less availability of screens and more parental controls, while in contrast older ones state that they use the time management strategy less as self-regulation. School controls refer to students not being allowed to take mobile phones to school or use them there. It is apparent that the construction of young persons’ identity is a continuum between different virtual spaces and times and face to face situations. Young people with less parental control over time management require more self-management and self-regulation mechanisms. The results found warrant focussing pedagogical discourse on designing and promoting quality educational actions that make it possible to go beyond setting limits. This can be achieved by working on establishing healthy interpersonal relationships, social and communication skills, and time management in a range of settings that provide lasting benefits beyond mere entertainment.

Please, cite this article as follows: Muñoz-Rodríguez, J. M., Torrijos Fincias, P., Serrate González, S., & Murciano Hueso, A. (2020). Entornos digitales, conectividad y educación. Percepción y gestión del tiempo en la construcción de la identidad digital de la juventud | Digital environments, connectivity and education: Time perception and management in the construction of young people’s digital identity. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 78 (277), 457-475. doi: 10.22550/REP78-3-2020-07

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Author Biography

José Manuel Muñoz-Rodríguez, PhD. Doctor of Pedagogy (2004), with Special Doctoral Prize, from the Universidad de Salamanca. Associate Professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education. His main research inter- est is theory of education and environ- mental education for sustainable development. Lead Researcher in the GIPEP — Educational Processes, Spaces and Practices research group. Associate editor of Teoría de la educación. Revista Interuniversitaria.


Patricia Torrijos Fincias, PhD. Doctorate in Educational Sciences from the Universidad de Salamanca. She is currently Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education — in the Didactics and School Organisation Area. Her research interests revolve around developing programmes, promoting emotional skills, and teacher training. She is a member of the GIPEP research group.


Sara Serrate González, PhD. Doctor of Education from the Universidad de Salamanca, she is an assistant professor in the Department of Theory and History of Education in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Her research focusses on socio-educational interventions with children and young people in the school and community context from a pedagogical and socio-educational perspective. She is a member of the Educational Processes, Spaces, and Practices research group.


Alicia Murciano Hueso. Trainee Researcher and Teacher. Degree in Sociology and Master’s in Compulsory Secondary Education and Baccalaureate, Professional Training and Language Teaching from the Universidad de Salamanca. She is currently a Trainee Researcher and Teacher in the Department of Theory and History of Education at the same university, and is a member of the GIPEP research group. Her research focusses on older adults, educational technology, and socio-emotional development.


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Palabras clave | Keywords

digitaltechnology, educationalsciences, identity, leisure, qualitativeanalysis, timeperception, youth