Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 2023 Volume 17, Issue 2, Pages: 282-295
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Rank partition functions and truncated theta identities

Merca Mircea (Department of Mathematics, University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania),

In 1944, Freeman Dyson defined the concept of rank of an integer partition and introduced without definition the term of crank of an integer partition. A definition for the crank satisfying the properties hypothesized for it by Dyson was discovered in 1988 by G. E. Andrews and F. G. Garvan. In this paper, we introduce truncated forms for two theta identities involving the generating functions for partitions with non-negative rank and non-negative crank. As corollaries we derive new infinite families of linear inequalities for the partition function p(n). The number of Garden of Eden partitions are also considered in this context in order to provide other infinite families of linear inequalities for p(n).

Keywords: Partitions, Dyson's rank, Theta series, Inequalities

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