Genetika 2014 Volume 46, Issue 3, Pages: 799-806
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Genotype × environment interactions and phenotypic stability for wheat grown in stressful conditions

Banjac Borislav ORCID iD icon (Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad)
Mladenov Velimir ORCID iD icon (Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad)
Dimitrijević Miodrag (Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad)
Petrović Sofija ORCID iD icon (Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad)
Boćanski Jan ORCID iD icon (Faculty of Agriculture, Novi Sad)

The objective of this study was to present the results of experiment conducted on 11 cultivars of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 1 cultivar of triticale (Triticosecale W) on stressful conditions of halomorphic solonetz in Kumane, Banat, Serbia. Across three growing seasons genotypic variability, monitoring of phenotypic variation and genotype by environment interaction (GEI) for number of grains per spike and yield was studied. The cultivar were grown in field trails of control treatment and treatments with measures repairs solonetz using phosphogypsum in the amount of 25 t•ha-1 and 50 t•ha-1. GEI was tested using AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction) model. The expression of tested traits were statistically significant and showed additive and non-additive sources of variation. The first source of variation, quantified IPCA1 axis explained most of the structure of GEI.

Keywords: AMMI, interaction, solonetz, wheat