Glasnik Srpskog geografskog drustva 2013 Volume 93, Issue 4, Pages: 1-22
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Eolian relief of southeast Banatian

Menković Ljubomir (Geographical Institute "Jovan Cvijić" of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade)

During the Quaternary, eolian processes had dominantly morphological importance in shaping of southeastern Banat. In morphology of this region, therefore, dominates loess plains, Zagajica's ridge and Deliblato and Banatian dune field. About the genesis of loess plains, Zagajica's ridge and Deliblato dune field are different, very often opposite opinions. Meanwhile, during the geomorphologic mapping of Vojvodina, at the end of nineties years of last century and at the beginning of 21st century, the author of this paper came to new conclusions, so he explains his opinion about relief of southeastern Banat. Special attention was paid on morphology and morphogenesis of Deliblato dunes field and Zagajica's ridge.

Keywords: Deliblato dunes field, Zagajica's ridge, loess plain, eolian process, košava, eolian send, sand dunes