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European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2019 August;55(4):411-7

DOI: 10.23736/S1973-9087.19.05728-9


language: English

European Framework of Rehabilitation Services Types: the perspective of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Section and Board of the European Union of Medical Specialists

Gerold STUCKI 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Mauro ZAMPOLINI 6, 7, Melissa SELB 3, 4 , Maria G. CERAVOLO 8, 9, Mark DELARGY 10, 11, Enrique VARELA DONOSO 12, 13, Carlotte KIEKENS 14, 15, Nicolas CHRISTODOULOU 16, 17 Study Group European Framework of Rehabilitation Service Types 

1 Expert UEMS-PRM Section and Board, Brussels, Belgium; 2 Swiss Delegate UEMS-PRM Section and Board, Brussels, Belgium; 3 ICF Research Branch, Nottwil, Switzerland; 4 Swiss Paraplegic Research, Nottwil, Switzerland; 5 University of Lucerne, Lucerne, Switzerland; 6 President UEMS-PRM Section, Brussels, Belgium; 7 USL Umbria 2, Foligno Hospital, Perugia, Italy; 8 President, UEMS-PRM Board, Brussels, Belgium; 9 Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona, Ancona, Italy; 10 Chair, Clinical Affairs Committee, UEMS-PRM Section, Brussels, Belgium; 11 National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dublin, Ireland; 12 Past-Chair, Professional Practice Committee, UEMS-PRM Section, Brussels, Belgium; 13 Universidad Computense, Madrid, Spain; 14 Chair, Professional Practice Committee, UEMS-PRM Section, Brussels, Belgium; 15 University Hospitals Leuven - KU, Leuven, Belgium; 16 Past-President UEMS-PRM Section, Brussels, Belgium; 17 European University Cyprus Medical School, Limassol, Cyprus.

BACKGROUND: Effectiveness in health services is achieved if desired clinical outcomes are reached. In rehabilitation the relevant clinical outcome is functioning, with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) as the reference system for the standardized reporting of functioning outcomes. To foster the implementation of the ICF in clinical quality management (CQM) across the rehabilitation services continuum, the UEMS-PRM Section and Board approved an ICF implementation action plan that includes the identification of types of currently provided rehabilitation services in Europe. The objective of this paper is to report on the development of a European framework of rehabilitation service types that can provide the foundation for the standardized reporting of functioning outcomes and CQM programs.
METHODS: A multistage consensus process involving delegates (participants) from the UEMS-PRM Section and Board as well as external experts across European regions comprised the development of an initial framework by an editorial group, two feedback rounds via e-mail and a deliberation by the UEMS-PRM Section and Board in its September 2018 meeting in Stockholm (Sweden). In the first feedback round, participants were asked whether: 1) the initial framework of service types exists in their respective country: 2) the description represents the service type: and 3) an existing service type was missing. Based on the first-round results, the framework proposal was modified by the editorial group. In the second feedback round, participants were asked to confirm or comment on each of the service types in the revised framework. Based on the second-round results, the framework proposal was again modified and presented for discussion, revision and approval at the Stockholm meeting.
RESULTS: In the first feedback round, eight rehabilitation services were added to the framework proposal and two service types that were deemed “missing” were not included. In the second round, all seven initially proposed and six of the added service types were reconfirmed, while two of the added service types were not supported. Based on deliberations at the Stockholm meeting, some modifications were made to the proposed framework, and the UEMS-PRM general assembly approved a European Framework of Rehabilitation Service Types that comprises of: Rehabilitation in acute care, General post-acute rehabilitation, Specialized post-acute rehabilitation, General outpatient rehabilitation, Specialized outpatient rehabilitation, General day rehabilitation, Specialized day rehabilitation, Vocational rehabilitation, Rehabilitation in the community, Rehabilitation services at home (incl. nursing home), Rehabilitation for specific groups of persons with disability, Rehabilitation in social assistance, Specialized lifelong follow-up rehabilitation, and Rehabilitation in medical health resorts.
CONCLUSIONS: The European Framework of Rehabilitation Services Types presented in this paper will be continuously updated according to new and emerging service types. Next steps of the UEMS-PRM effort to implement the ICF in rehabilitation include the specification of clinical assessment schedules for each service type and case studies illustrating service provision across the spectrum of rehabilitation service types. The European Framework will enable the accountable reporting of functioning outcomes at the national level and the continuous improvement of rehabilitation service provision in CQM.

KEY WORDS: International Classification of Functioning; Disability and Health; Rehabilitation; Health services

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