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The effects of emotional labor(surface acting, deep acting) and job burnout on job satisfaction among securities branch clerks: Moderated mediating effect of emotional intelligence


The purpose of this study is to examine the moderated mediating effect of emotional intelligence on emotional labor(surface acting, deep acting) and job burnout on job satisfaction among securities branch clerks. A total of 288 securities clerks were asked to complete the questionnaires and the data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and Mplus 7.0. The results were as follows. First, surface acting had no significant effect on job satisfaction. Seocond, deep acting had significantly positive effect on job satisfaction. Third, surface acting were found to have significantly positive effect on job burnout. Fourth, deep acting were found to have significantly negative effect on job burnout. Fifth, job burnout is shown to have significantly negative effect on job satisfaction. Sixth, a mediating model showed that an association between surface acting and deep acting and job satisfaction were partially mediated by job burnout. Seventh, emotional intelligence showed the moderated mediating effect of deep acting and job burnout on job satisfaction. Finally, the implications and limitation of the present study are discussed.

증권사 접점 직원, 정서노동, 직무만족, 직무소진, 정서지능, 조절된 매개효과, Securities branch clerks, Emotional labor, Job burnout, Job satisfaction, Emotional intelligence, Moderated mediating effect



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