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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.4 No.2 March 2004

Experimental realization of entangled qutrits for quantum communication (pp093-101)
        R. Thew, A. Acin, H. Zbinden, and N. Gisin

doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC4.2-1

Abstracts: We have experimentally realized a technique to generate, control and measure entangled qutrits, 3-dimensional quantum systems. This scheme uses spontaneous parametric down converted photons and unbalanced 3-arm fiber optic interferometers in a scheme analogous to the Franson interferometric arrangement for qubits. The results reveal a source capable of generating maximally entangled states with a net state fidelity, F = 0.985 $\pm$ 0.018. Further the control over the system reveals a high, net, 2-photon interference fringe visibility, V = 0.919 $\pm$ 0.026. This has all been done at telecom wavelengths thus facilitating the advancement towards long distance higher dimensional quantum communication.
Key words: qutrit, entanglement, quantum communication

