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:: Volume 1, Issue 1 (Spring 2022) ::
IJCA 2022, 1(1): 48-54 Back to browse issues page
Futilecare: a conceptanalysis with WalkerandAvant’s approach
F Bahramnezhad , P Asgari , N Sanaie , A Fathi
Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran
Abstract:   (8904 Views)

Introduction: Judging about continuing or lack of continuing the process of caretaking for some patients the end of their lives has led to the emergence of a new concept as 'futile care' in medicine. Making decision about what kind of caring is entitled as futile care requires the presentation of a clear definition of such caretaking. Hence, with regard to so many ambiguities in this realm, the researcher decided to invest on analysing the concept of futile care.
Method: The analysis in this research was carried out through Walker and Avant method. The review over the available literature was carried out by searching the databases of SCOPUS, PUBMED, PROQUEST SCIENCE, ISC, IRANDOC,and MAGIRAN by using the phrases of Infectively Care، Futile Care, Infectively Care، Futility in during 1992-2012.
Results: In reviewing the studies, 119 English and 1 Persian title were obtained in initial search which were reduced to 30 papers after going over the headings. Based on the literature review include the lack of good care, medical care consistent with the goals of the back not help patient care that don’t  improves the quality of life of patients under the care been futile.
Conclusion: It seems that this study has been somehow able to aide us in clarifying the concept of futile care in our culture. Futile care consists giving clinical cares irrelevant to a nurse's job and giving cares through which the return of patient would be impossible both physiologically and qualitatively.

Keywords: Concept analysis, Futile care, Futility, Walker and Avant.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/01/17 | Accepted: 2017/01/17 | Published: 2017/01/17
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Bahramnezhad F, Asgari P, Sanaie N, Fathi A. Futilecare: a conceptanalysis with WalkerandAvant’s approach. IJCA 2022; 1 (1) :48-54
URL: http://ijca.ir/article-1-43-en.html

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