Online ISSN : 1881-8161
Print ISSN : 1340-4210
ISSN-L : 1340-4210
市原 真希斎藤 正文西村 美加田辺 新一
ジャーナル フリー

1997 年 62 巻 501 号 p. 45-51


It is required to know both radiative and convective heat transfer at each part of the body to evaluate thermal environment. Thermal manikin was used to measure radiative and convective heat transfer coefficients. Thermal manikin imitates the shape of a person. The skin temperature of a human can be simulated by heating internal heaters. The posture can be changed to standing and sitting without changing skin surface area. At first air temperature equaled to the mean radiant temperature was kept at 25.0℃ or 30.0℃, while skin temperatures were 34.0℃. At second, air temperature was kept as same as skin temperature at 34.0℃, while wall temperature was 27.1℃ or 28.2℃. Following results were obtained. (1) Combined heat transfer coefficient of standing human body was 9.1(W/m^2℃) and that of sitting human body was 8.6(W/m^2℃). (2) Radiative heat transfer coefficient with standing posture was 4.2(W/m^2℃) and that with sitting posture was 4.3(W/m^2℃). (3) Convective heat transfer coefficient of standing human body was 4.9(W/m^2℃) and that of sitting human body was 4.3(W/m^2℃). (4) Convective heat transfer coefficient of each part was determined as a function of air velocity.

© 1997 日本建築学会
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