Online ISSN : 2433-0027
Print ISSN : 0387-1185
ISSN-L : 0387-1185
圧迫感の計測に関する研究・1 : 圧迫感の意味と実験装置
武井 正昭大原 昌樹
ジャーナル フリー

1977 年 261 巻 p. 105-114


This is an experimental study on a measurement of the sense of oppression caused by a building, and has two principal purposes. One is to make the visual sense of oppression, caused by a exterior wall of a building, correspond to physical values, that is to propose the equation for estimating the sense of oppression caused by a building. The other is to estimate the permissible values of the sense of oppression. As the preparatory stage to accomplish the two main purposes of the study mentioned above, this paper attempts to describe about Experiment I and Experiment II. In Experiment I, we tried to find the psychological meaning of the sense of oppression as the subject of this study. As a result, the sense of oppression is a kind of unpleasant one caused by volumes of a exterior wall of a building, through vision in an exterior space. And it is also consciousness of being sufferer, namely being "pushed on", "compelled", "overhanged". In Experiment II, we mentioned the availability of the device for the experiment-wide view projection system composed of three screens. The contents of this paper are indicated below : 1. Introduction 2. Experiment I : Psychological analysis of the sense of oppression caused by a building a) Subject of this experiment b) Method of this experiment c) Result and discussion 3. Examination of this experimental method a) Psychological scales b) Improvement of evaluation method c) Adopting the wide view projection system 4. Experiment II : Examining reliability of the wide view projection system a) Method of this experiment b) Result and discussion 5. Conclusion of this paper

© 1977 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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