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Quick Exposure Check (QEC): a crosscultural adaptation into Brazilian-Portuguese


Most instruments used by occupational safety and health professionals have been originally developed in English. Cross-cultural adaptation enables the use of these instruments in other countries, cultures and languages in countries like Brazil, where the official language is not English. This methodology ensures that the translation process includes the cultural and linguistic equivalence between the original instrument and the translated version. Therefore, this study aimed to translate and cross-culturally adapt the instrument Quick Exposure Check (QEC) into Brazilian-Portuguese. The process of cross-cultural adaptation followed the steps of translation, synthesis, back-translation, expert committee review and pretesting. The final questionnaire was pretested by two raters in 40 workers employed in an expedition of knitting and textile industry. All versions resulting from the translation process (T1, T2) and back-translation (BT1, BT2) showed good agreement. During the pre-test was not presented any difficulty in understanding or completing the instrument adapted QEC for Brazilian language.