Inter-Research > DAO > v59 > n2 > p171-174  
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms

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DAO 59:171-174 (2004)  -  doi:10.3354/dao059171

In vitro effects of the polyphenols resveratrol, mangiferin and
(–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate on the scuticociliate fish pathogen Philasterides dicentrarchi

J. Leiro*, J. A. Arranz, A. Paramá, M. F. Álvarez, M. L. Sanmartín

Laboratorio de Parasitología, Instituto de Investigación y Análisis Alimentarios, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Constantino Candeira 15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain

ABSTRACT: This study investigated the in vitro effects of the polyphenols resveratrol, mangiferin and (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on the histiophagous ciliate Philasterides dicentrarchi, which causes fatal scuticociliatosis in farmed turbot Scophthalmus maximus L. Of the 3 polyphenols, resveratrol showed strongest antiprotozoal activity, reducing ciliate density after 1 wk culture by, on average, 91% at 50 µM, and 96% at 500 µM. EGCG reduced ciliate density by, on average, 93% at 500 µM, with no significant effect at 50 µM. Mangiferin reduced ciliate density by, on average, 56% at 500 µM, again with no significant effect at 50 µM. In view of these findings, we discuss the potential utility of chemotherapy with polyphenols as a strategy for the control of scuticociliatosis in farmed turbot.

KEY WORDS: Polyphenols · Philasterides dicentrarchi · Resveratrol · Mangiferin · Epigallocatechin

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