Spatial Transformation of New City Area: Economic, Social, and Environmental Sustainability Perspective of Makassar City, Indonesia

Batara Surya, Syafri, Herminawaty Abubakar, Hernita Sahban, Harry Hardian Sakti


The spatial transformation of new urban areas into industrial urban areas impacts spatial structure, spatial patterns, and environmental degradation. This study aims to analyze the spatial transformation work as a determinant of the development of the new urban area of Metro Tanjung Bunga Makassar and analyze the relationship of spatial expansion, land use change and population increase for the growth of new city areas and the sustainable development of the Metro Tanjung Bunga area, Makassar city. The data for this study has been obtained through observation, surveys and documentation. The research approach used is a sequential explanation. According to the results, that excessive urbanization and maximum compaction led to spatial expansion towards the development of the new urban area of Metro Tanjung Bunga. Moreover, the increase in number has a dominant influence with a value of 32.3% on the growth of the new city area of Metro Tanjung Bunga, Makassar City. Spatial expansion, land use change, and population increase were determinants of growth factors in the new urban areas and they also had a significant impact on environmental quality degradation. This study recommends the importance of considering the impact of new urban spatial areas for the formulation of strategic policies on sustainable development as an effort to meet national development targets for the case of Metropolitan Cities in Indonesia.



Keywords: Spatial Transformation, New City, Land Use, Sustainable Development




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