Effects of Fibroin Treatments on Physical and Biological Properties of Chitosan/Hydroxyapatite/Fibroin Bone's Scaffold

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The development of bio-mimetic scaffold for tissue engineering proposed a novel method to tissue or bone repairing. The biological and physical properties of the scaffold have been recognizing such as biocompatibility, porosity, pore size, and biodegradability. In this work, Chitosan, Hydroxyapatite (HA), and Fibroin were used for bone's scaffold fabrication by freeze drying technique. Those materials are known as biodegradable materials that serve different properties in bone's scaffold. In common fabrication process, the fibroin treatment is requiring for increasing the stiffness of the fibers. Recently, the fibroin treatment is process before the scaffold fabrication. However, the treatment could process after the scaffold fabrication complete. Thus, we compared the biological and physical of the scaffolds between three conditions of fibroin treatment that consist of 1) Non-treatment (NON), 2) Pre-treatment (PRE), and 3) Post-treatment (POST). From the result, both of biological and physical properties, the PRE porous scaffold is the appropriated condition for this research. Finally, we are looking forward to compare the growth of osteoblast cells on the scaffold with different fibroin treatment and aim to implant those scaffolds for bone repairing in the very near future.

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