Effect of a Notch on Impact Resistance of the Epidian 57/Z1 Epoxy Material after "Thermal Shock"

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Adhesive bonding is increasingly being applied as structural joining technique in highly reliable machines and appliances operating in the circumstances of variable thermomechanical loads.The manufactured specimens of the Epidian 57/Z-1 epoxy material had been subjected to cyclic thermal loading, with respect to a defined program, in a thermal shock chamber within a temperature range of ‑40°C to +60°C for 200 cycles. The accepted temperature range was typical for machinery maintenance, including the aircraft.The aim of the research was first of all determination of thermal load (fatigue), as well as the presence of notch effect on the resistance to fracture.A significant measure of the adhesive bonds quality is the repeatability of the strength examination results, both in the summary and long lasting tests. It is often more important criterion for the adhesive joint selection than higher strength of the joints using the particular adhesive.The obtained results of the conducted research have been elaborated statistically with respect to the appropriate scientific standards.

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