Congresos de la Universitat Politècnica de València, FORTMED2020 - Defensive Architecture of the Mediterranean

Por defecto: 
Poliorcética, morfología edilicia y técnicas constructivas en el Tossal de la Vila, un recinto fortificado de época emiral en el extremo septentrional del Šarq al-Andalus
Joan Negre, Ferran Falomir, Marta Pérez-Polo, Gustau Aguilella

Última modificación: 15-05-2020


Poliorcetics, architectural morphology and construction techniques at Tossal de la Vila, a fortified enclosure from the Emirate period in the northernmost end of Šarq al-Andalus

This work focuses on the first results from the systematic excavation of the Tossal de la Vila (Serra d’en Galceran, Castelló) archaeological site. This is, a hillfort build during the Emirate of al-Andalus in the intersection between the territories of Tortosa, Valencia and the Iberian System mountain ranges. Our case study is framed within the historiographic discussion on the subject of rocky and castellated settlements in this area set forth thirty years ago by André Bazzana. A debate that was largely enriched by several works pending the last years on the subject of hilly occupations between Late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages. In that direction, we analyse here the architectural questions that have been raised by the recent archaeological works at the site. Specifically, we will try to systematise the different defensive solutions adopted on the design of the fort, as well as the diverse construction techniques used along the fortbuilding process.

Palabras clave

Al-Andalus; fortification; dry stone masonry; incastellamento

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