Published December 15, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Analysis of genetic diversity and structure of Urals populations of Western Race of Siberian larch (Larix sibirica Ledeb.) based on intermicrosatellite markers polymorphism

  • 1. Perm State University


The preservation of the genetic diversity of a species is possible only if the gene pool of its populations is preserved. Particularly important are studies of patterns of distribution of genetic variability for species that occupy vast areas and are of economic importance, such as species of the genus Larix Mill. The purpose of this study is to analyze the genetic diversity and structure of some populations of L. sibirica of the Ural based on intermicrosatellite polymorphism. Using the ISSR markers, the genetic diversity and structure of 6 natural populations of Siberian larch L. sibirica in the Urals were analyzed. The analysis revealed 120 ISSR markers, of which 116 were polymorphic (P95=0.967). The main parameters of the genetic diversity of populations were determined and it was shown that the Ural populations of Siberian larch are characterized by a higher genetic diversity. At the same time, the highest rates of genetic diversity were found in the VSN population (P95=0.923; HE=0.236; ne=1.388), while the ISH population was the least diverse in all indicators (P95=0.826; HE=0.191; ne=1.321). The studied populations of L. sibirica of the Urals are largely differentiated, most of the entire observed genetic diversity is concentrated within populations. The structure of populations is generally close but does not fully reflect the geographical location of the studied populations. The findings suggest the existence of genetically differentiated populations and their groups in L. sibirica in the study region and will be important for the development of an effective strategy for the conservation and reproduction of valuable tree species of plants.


Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-34-00348\18.


Васильева Ю. С., Пришнивская Я. В., Чертов Н. В., Жуланов А. А. .pdf

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