Published October 23, 2022 | Version v1
Software Open

NadicaSm/Statistical-Analysis-and-Machine-Learning-for-EGG-based-Nausea-Detection: v1

  • 1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana
  • 2. University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Ljubljana


This is a release of the GitHub repository that presents supplementary material for the manuscript under review titled "Electrogastrogram-derived Features for Automated Sickness Detection in Driving Simulator". The repository contains both data (tables with electrogastrogram-based parameters) and R code.


Authors’ gratitude goes to Nenad B. Popović for his long collaboration in studies related to EGG research and for fruitful discussions on feature extraction techniques followed by his scientific contribution published elsewhere. The Authors also acknowledge Timotej Gruden, PhD student, for his exceptional work in experiment design and measurement conduction.


The R code is provided without any guarantee and it is not intended for medical purposes.

How to cite this repository?

If you find EGG-based features and R code useful for your own research and teaching class, please cite the following references:

  1. Jakus, G., Sodnik, J., & Miljković, N. (2022, October 23). NadicaSm/Statistical-Analysis-and-Machine-Learning-for-EGG-based-Nausea-Detection: v1 (Version v1). Version v1. Zenodo.
  2. Jakus, G., Sodnik, J., & Miljković, N. (2022). Electrogastrogram-Derived Features for Automated Sickness Detection in Driving Simulator. Sensors, 22(22), 8616.
  3. Gruden, T., Popović, N. B., Stojmenova, K., Jakus, G., Miljković, N., Tomažič, S., & Sodnik, J. (2021). Electrogastrography in autonomous vehicles—an objective method for assessment of motion sickness in simulated driving environments. Sensors, 21(2), 550.

Full Changelog:


FUNDING: This research was funded by HADRIAN (Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility Needs) EU Horizon 2020 project, grant number 875597. It was partly supported also by the Slovenian Research Agency within the research program ICT4QoL - Information and Communications Technologies for Quality of Life, grant number P2-0246. N.M. was partly supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia, grant number 451-03-68/2022-14/200103.



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HADRIAN – Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility Needs 875597
European Commission