Fottea 9(2): 243-256, 2009 | DOI: 10.5507/fot.2009.025

Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of the Sellaphora stroemii complex (Bacillariophyceae).

Elisa Falasco1,2, Saúl Blanco1,3, Francesca Bona2, Joan Gom1,4, Da¹a Hlúbiková1, Maria Helena Novais1,5, Lucien Hoffmann1, Luc Ector1
1 Department of Environment and Agro-biotechnologies (EVA), Public Research Centre - Gabriel Lippmann, Rue du Brill 41, L-4422 Belvaux, Luxembourg
2   DBAU, University of Turin, via Accademia Albertina 13, I-10123 Turin, Italy
3  Área de Ecología, Universidad de León, E-24071 León, Spain
4  Departament d'Ecologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Av. Diagonal 645, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain
5 Laboratório da Água, Instituto de Ciências Agrárias Mediterrânicas, Universidade de Évora, Parque Industrial e Tecnológico, Rua da Barba Rala nº 1, P-7005-345 Évora, Portugal

Live and treated materials from three populations of diatoms collected in Italy, Slovakia and Spain, identified in previous inventories as Navicula stroemii HUST. sensu KRAMMER et LANGE-BERTALOT, were examined under light and scanning electron microscopy. The analyses highlighted the typical single H-shaped plastid, characteristic of the genus Sellaphora. Considering this, we thoroughly investigated type materials from the Sellaphora stroemii complex. According to the standard European diatom flora of KRAMMER & LANGE-BERTALOT (1986: Süßwasserflora von Mitteleuropa 2/1), six species should be considered as taxonomic synonyms of Navicula stroemii, now Sellaphora stroemii (HUST.) H. KOBAYASI in MAYAMA et al.: Navicula aggerica E. REICHARDT, N. rivularis HUST., N. subbacillum HUST., N. subcontenta WILLI KRIEG., N. vasta HUST. and N. ventraloides HUST. The type materials of these species were examined using both light and scanning electron microscopy and geometric morphometric analysis. The analysis of the valve ultrastructure demonstrated the affiliation of Navicula aggerica, N. subbacillum, N. vasta and N. ventraloides to the genus Sellaphora. A Principal Component Analysis based on the shape of the valve outline, allowed us to define the European taxa Sellaphora stroemii, S. ventraloides and S. aggerica as three separated taxa, clearly distinct from the Indonesian diatom Sellaphora subbacillum, comb. nov. Moreover, considering the need of a replacement name for Navicula subcontenta (KRIEGER 1943), already validly published by HUSTEDT in 1942, we propose the new name Navicula petrmarvanii nom. nov. for KRIEGER's species.

Keywords: biogeography, diatoms, geometric morphometrics, morphological variation, ultrastructure, new combinations, new name

Received: April 30, 2009; Accepted: July 2, 2009; Published: September 1, 2009Show citation

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Falasco, E., Blanco, S., Bona, F., Gom, J., Hlúbiková, D., Novais, M.H., Hoffmann, L., & Ector, L. (2009). Taxonomy, morphology and distribution of the Sellaphora stroemii complex (Bacillariophyceae). Fottea9(2), 243-256. doi: 10.5507/fot.2009.025
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